When the Devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness to turn stones into bread 🍞, Jesus responded saying, " man shall not live by bread alone ,but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God." God is all powerful, so powerful that He created all things with His Word. The angels who are the highest created order of beings were created by the Word of the Lord. Psalm 33: 6," By the word of the Lord were the heavens made ; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." God spoke the angels into existence 😮.
How powerful is the Lord our God?
Lucifer who became the Devil was the highest angel in heaven before his fall. Lucifer was created by the Word of God. Since Lucifer was created by the Word of God, it means that the Word of God is more powerful than Satan and all his angels. The Word of God created the world, created our body and the food we enjoy 🥪. Since the Word of God created everything we see and need, it's fair to say that God's Word is of greater importance than everything we think we need. This is the reason why Jesus said " man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
The Word of God is the true source of our lives. The food you eat are not really what keep you alived but the Word of God. If God speak the word today, you would be dead today. Moses spent 40 days without food or water on the mountain with God, he was sustained by the Word. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness without food or water, He was sustained by the Word of God. The Word God is more important than our necessary food, the Word of God give life to the soul .
The Word that created the angels, the universe, humanity, the planet and all that exist in it is made available to us in the Bible. The Bible is the greatest treasure on the planet because in it contains the Words of the infinite God, the all powerful Creator of all things. God's Word is life. It is only by the Word of God we can gain the strength to overcome the Devil. A " thus saith the Lord" is the only shield against Satan's fiery temptations. It is only by the Word of God we will gain the strength to live a life pleasing to God. The Word of God has the power to quicken the soul. Man shall live by every Word that comes out of the mouth of God.
Satan well know that if we study the Word of God every day and ask God to make the Word a reality in our lives that we will be able to resist his temptations. For this reason Satan comes up with all types of schemes to make sure we have time for everything but the Bible, for he knows whoever us not eating the bread 🍞 of life, the Word of God will be overcomed by him. Friends let us value the Word of God more than food, let us daily study it, meditate on it and ask God to purify our souls with it and to give us the strength to live by every Word that comes out of the mouth of God. Fortify your mind with God's Word and you will be able to resist the Devil in the hour of temptation.
God's Word is life, feed on it daily .