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The way evil spreads in our society! ( safe sex myth )


God is good and His law perfect. The laws of God promote righteousness, peace and happiness. But we have an enemy who hates God, hates us and who make it his priority to destroy our happiness and spread misery, but he must do it in a way to make evil seems good, to make misery seems like joy. He must change our perspective on reality and make us love the evil and hate the good. Satan is a crafty, clever  being and is using is cleverness to promote wickedness masked as goodness.

Once God's law is rejected, then evil becomes the way of life. But in order for evil to have widespread reach it must be presented as good. So how does evil spread in society? Let's look at the "age of consent " for sex and "safe sex." God says that sex is only safe when it is done in marriage between a loving husband and a wife. But wicked men inspired by Satan comes along and deceives society by teaching that "safe sex" is done when one uses condoms. As a result, the law of God is brought to none effect. People feel safe to sin, to live in promiscuity.

The idea behind "safe sex" is that people are going to have sex anyway, so we might as well give them the tool to do it. It's like saying people are going to rebel against God anyway, we might as well give them the weapons to help them in their rebellion. When we help those who are rebelling against God, we become participants in their rebellion and the judgments of God will reach both the doer of evil and the one who help facilitate the evil.

Do condoms make sex safer ? Maybe from diseases and pregnancy but not from the judgments of God. Not from the increase of wickedness, the increase of loneliness, the increase of feeling used, the increase of broken marriages, the increase of sexual intimacy problems. The promotion of "safe sex " is Satan's way of increasing sin, wickedness and misery in the land. "Safe sex" turn our women into harlots and our young men into unfaithful baby daddies. Nothing is safe about a women sleeping with 5, 10 men before marriage or a man doing the same. Disasters in marriage will follow.

Another lie that goes with this is the "age consent." Are they talking about age of consent for marriage? No! They are talking about age of consent for sex. Again God says, sex is only right when done in marriage between loving husband and wife. The Devil promote the deception that as long as one turns 18, or 16 in some places then you have sex with whoever you want as long as it is consensual. So, we have young being taken advantage of by older men, men who are wiser than them and the dispose of them like trash. Young and gullible women are being preyed on and brokenness increase. Remember the #Me too movement?

Have " safe sex ," and "age of consent " make our society more moral, better ? No! "Safe sex" and " age of consent have created a society full of harlots and pimps. A society of fatherless children, single mothers, broken marriages and all manner of mental illnesses and depression. By the time you marry someone nowadays, they probably slept with bus load of people and bring all types of trauma and baggage into the marriage. Before you know you are comparing your spouse with other people and are sexually unsatisfied, then you go and cheat. Safe sex and age of consent sounds good but they are promoting great evils .

Friends, let us escape from the lies of the Devil. The only "safe sex," is done within the will of God.  God created sex and He designed it to be enjoyed, but you will only truly enjoy sex when it is done with someone you love, someone you have committed to before the Lord and before society. Any other sex without the confine appointed by God is not safe. For God will judge you as in evil doer and you will suffer the consequences in this life. Brokenness, emptiness, anxiety and feeling of worthlessness will follow you.  God is able to keep you pure if you so desire and seek His help. God is able to restore you to purity if you have fallen into sexual sins.Let us repent and flee from the evils of our times and find refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ .

There is no peace or safety to the wicked.


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