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Sex is an act of worship

In many ancient cultures sexual immorality was associated with worship of the gods. Temple prostitution was rampant. Yes you heard right, temple prostitution. Oh you didn't know that sex was a part of worship ? When you have sexual intercourse with your spouse you are honoring God, you are glorifying His name because you are fulfilling a purpose of creation. Sex was created by God and is one of His many blessings to the human race.
 Sex give us the power to procreate, but God put constraints on our use of it.  God decreed that only in marriage we should enjoy the blessings of sexual intimacy

God also gave us sex as a mean to populate the earth with godly offspring (Malachi 2:15). Children are a heritage of the Lord. In the sexual acts, husband and wife become physically vulnerable to each other which is an expression of love. Love doesn't abuse one another, love protects, love guard. Sex is such a precious gift 🎁 that a man is supposed to receive it from a woman only after he has vowed before the Lord and society 🤵🏾👰🏽 that he will love her, protect her , be faithful and take care of her until death do us apart. The sexual organs are hidden for a reason, they are not meant to be seen by anyone but those who have vowed before the Lord to love each other in sickness and in health.

But like everything else God created, Satan seeks to corrupt it and destroy it. Satan understands that sex is an act of worship and he understands that it is only when one is having sex with a spouse of the opposite sex that God is honored. So Satan has been corrupting sex from soon after the fall of man in the garden of Eden.  He introduced polygamy early one when Lamech, a grandson of Cain, the murdered took two wives. One man having multiple wives destroys love in the heart.  Two wives created an atmosphere of jealousy, rivalry, hatred and began to reduce women to less than human. Most people in the Bible who had two wives had a difficult time.

Satan then introduced temple prostitution in many pagan religions. Sex was a very serious and sacred thing in the past. If a woman had sex before marriage and lost her virginity, she was considered used goods and would find it difficult for a man to marry her. In Deuteronomy 22:20- 21 it says "if however, this accusation is true ,and no proof of the young woman's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and there the men of her city will stone her to death. For she has committed an outrage in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house : so shalt thou put away evil away from you ."

Did you hear what the Bible say friends ? Having sex before marriage makes us prostitutes and the sentence according to the Word of God is death. In writing this, I looked up two different Bible translations. The first one says the young lady who wasn't a virgin before marriage was "promiscuous" in her father's house. But the King James said "she played the whore in her father's house."  This is powerful friends, having sex with a boyfriend before marriage is seen as prostitution by God and a great evil 😮.  So, Satan in order to corrupt the human race early on, introduce sex before marriage in many pagan religions. Temple prostitution was rampant in the past because the people were more " religious ."  

From an article in the Christian post titled :Girls raped, face life of sexual exploitation after dedication to Hindu goddess
"The woman, who was raised in the south Indian state of Karnataka, recounted how girls, called Devadasis, are required to live a life dedicated to Hinduism and are prohibited from marrying. At puberty or even earlier, they are forced to have sex with an older man in exchange for monetary compensation or gifts."
Isn't this the same thing happening in our society, women are sleeping with many "boyfriends" and are not getting married. They may not do it for gifts but they are for " love". Bible calls it harloty 
Friends, remember sex is an act of worship. When you have sex the way God appointed in marriage with the opposite sex you are participating in an act of worship, you are glorifying God.  But when you have sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend, a random person, one night stand ,even your fiancee you are being a "whore" according to the scriptures and the sentence is death unless you repent. LGBTQ activities are also punishable by death unless they repent. When you have unauthorized sex you are not only sinning against God but are worshipping the Devil with your body, you are being a spiritual temple prostitute and I'm speaking here for both men and women. 

It is no surprise then mental illness is on the increase. As we worship devils with our immoral sexual acts, devils posses our minds. Friends, let us repent. Sexual sins are destroying the church and society at large. Let us repent and seek the Lord. Let us ask the Lord for the strength to present our bodies as living sacrifices to Him and to do what is good and acceptable in His sight. Sex is an act of worship, let us pray God for the strength to only have sex in the way that glorifies Him, only in the marriage between a man and a woman.
Lord help us to be pure and glorify you with our bodies 🙏🏾

Hebrews 13:4

Let marriage be had in honour among all, and let the bed be undefiled: for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.


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