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Spiritualism: when love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God

 Spiritualism according to the online dictionary is "a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, especially through medium." If you are a Bible student, you know that " the dead know nothing." Ecclesiastes 9:5. But you will also know that demonic spirits can impersonate the dead. Satan can take other forms to speak to us. The first recorded act of spiritualism happened in the garden of eden, when the Devil used the serpent 🐍 as a medium to speak to Eve and entice her into sin. Spiritualism is effective because those who do not take heed to the Word of God will fall easy prey to it. Satan can take the form of their departed loved ones.

Satan can take the forms of departed loved one and speak to us if God allows it. Those who believe the dead are in heaven will fall easy prey to such deception. Again, the dead are not in heaven, they are in the grave awaiting the resurrection. Satan has been using all sorts of mediums to deceive humanity but in these last days he is using a more subtle and more deadly form of spiritualism. In these last days, Satan is using " love" as the mean to deceive both the religious and the worldling. Love as a deception ? Yes! Isn't the whole homosexual movement based on " love?" And yet homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord and the practicing homosexual will perish unless he repents.  But I'm not speaking about the deceptive homosexual love here, I am speaking about "the love of God. " Satan will use the "love of God " as a mean to deceive many.

“Even in its present form, so far from being more worthy of toleration than formerly, it is really a more dangerous, because a more subtle, deception. While it formerly denounced Christ and the Bible, it now professes to accept both. But the Bible is interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction between good and evil. God’s justice, His denunciations of sin, the requirements of His holy law, are all kept out of sight.”

Great controversy chapter 34- can our dead speak to us 

"Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God." Satan is a very clever being and he will use everything in order to deceive. Nowadays he is using the love of God to deceive the masses. Many churches and preachers are only preaching about the love of God. They don't want to preach about His judgment, hatred of sin and the coming destruction of unrepentant sinners. They believe that sinners will be attracted to the gospel by preaching only God's love for them but they misunderstand one crucial thing. Sinners have a different definition of love than God has. Sinners are selfish by nature and to them love is a feeling. Sinners believe God's love is license to sin. 

When preachers only talk about the love of God to sinners, they are doing more harm than good, they are in fact participating in spiritualism. When you tell sinners God's love only, they take it as license to sin. Sinners in church believe God will save them in their sins. Sinners believe that Jesus is so loving, He will ignore the evil traits of their characters and faults and bring them to heaven with Him. Multitudes are deceived by Satan's modern form of spiritualism, the sole focus on God's love at the neglect of His judgment. People forget that God's love is revealed in all His acts, including His judgment against sin. It is because God is love He destroys sin and unrepentant sinners.

Spiritualism is rampant in the land because preachers are more concerned about growing membership and followers than preaching the Word of God.  They fear that if they preach the Word of God in truth people will leave their churches and with people gone their tithes and offerings will go down. So they preach a love of God which is nothing but a weak sentimentalism to lull sinners in their path of death. They don't want to hurt the self esteem of sinners. These preachers think they know better than God who tells us to preach the whole counsel of God, judgment and mercy, truth and grace.  Judgment warn the sinner he is in danger and mercy tell Him God is willing to save him at all cost. Truth tell the sinner of his sin and grace tell of a God who love him despite his sin and is willing to clean him up. Many preachers are more afraid of people than God, so they preach a message of love that appeals to the selfishness of the masses. The Bible call these types of preachers hirelings who care not for the sheeps.

Truth is God is love, merciful, compassionate, but He is also just and will destroy all sinners who cling to their sins and refuse to repent. The love of God is not license to sin, but invitation to repent from sin. The love of God reveals that no matter how far we have fallen into sin, God is willing to forgive us, accept us and create in us a new heart, but we must repent. God is love but He hates sin and will pour out His wrath against sin without mercy against unrepentant sinners. The cross of Jesus revealed both the love of God and His justice. God loves us so much that He would rather die than see us perish, the cross.God hates sin so much that He destroy His own Son on the cross.

Christ died, He suffered the wrath of God so me and you don't have to. But we must repent and flee from sin. The belief that God's love is His chief attribute is spiritualism, a Satanic lie meant to deceive and ensnare souls. Friends, let us preach God's love,  but not at the neglect of His justice. God is love, God is merciful, but God is also just and will by no mean clear the guilty. If you are living in sin, you must fear, fear for judgment is coming, but if you repent and cling to Jesus then rejoice for life everlasting is your gift. Let us flee from spiritualism and preach the whole gospel whether people like it or not, whether people want to hear it or not.

Preach the truth in love 

Exodus 34:6,7

And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.


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