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Life is about relationships

 Life is about relationships. At the smallest levels of relationship we have the family unit. A husband and a wife. Father, mother, children. Follow by the  extended family, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles etc.. Then we have the community, the state, the nation, the world community, the human family , the cosmic,universal  family of angels and other unfallen beings .  

At the highest level of relationships we have God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Life is all about relationships, relationships even exist with nature, the animals and the inanimate objects such as the earth, the seas and the fountains of waters .

God is love ❤. Love by definition is all about relationships. God has always been in a relationship. God has always existed in 3, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They have always loved each other from everlasting. God has never been alone. God created all things out of love. God brought created beings into existence to share His love with us, to bring us joy. And as long as all created being abide in His love, joy, peace and harmony will exist.  Since God is love , it means by definition life is about relationships. When we are loved, when we feel loved, we feel alive but when we are not loved, when we are rejected, we feel hopeless and life becomes unbearable.

If God is love and life at it's very core is about relationships, then why so much misery and suffering in our world? Well something happened to the harmony of the universe. Lucifer, the covering cherub wanted to become the center of worship. He didn't like the idea of giving love to God and others, he wanted to give love to himself and for others to love him. He wanted to become the center of attention.

When the Devil said in his heart "he will be like the Most High," (Isaiah 14:12-14), what he really was saying is " I will draw out the affections of the angels from God and I will become the center of their affection." 

The way the Devil destroy the peace and  harmony of heaven was simple. He lied about God, His character and motives, caused 1/3 of the angels to distrust God and truth is where there is no trust, love cannot exist. The Bible called what the Devil did in heaven sin. The Devil destroyed the first link of true love ❤, the relationship between God and His creation. What is sin then ? Sin is doing things that God doesn't like. The more you do things that God doesn't like, the more distant you and Him become and the more broken your relationship with Him. Satan uses sin to separate us from God and to unite us with himself. As you sin against God, you are becoming more united with Satan. 

Relationships are destroyed by persistently doing what is wrong towards the other party. The ten commandments shows us how to love God and our neighbors. The first four commandments tell us how to love God and the last four show us how to love our neighbors. Satan's goal is to destroy our relationships with God first , once Satan destroy my relationship with God through sin, then by default I am united to him. Because Satan is the originator of sin, rebellion and all who practice sin are following his counsel, are his disciples. The smallest sin impact our relationship with God and the smallest sin if persisted in will destroy our relationship with God 

Once our relationship with God are cut off, the world then becomes a scary place. Everyone is out for themselves. It becomes hard to trust one another and as a result, natural affections dies out. Life becomes a burden. Loneliness, violence, treachery, divorce and relationships issues of all types increase and life becomes a living death. Then Satan in order to unite us more closely to himself works to destroy all aspects of human relationships. He attacks the family relationships, he attacks the community, he causes the nations to go to war with one another and hatred, anxiety goes through the roof. As miseries of all types increase, people then blame God.

As miseries increase in our lives and around us, many of us blame God because we don't understand that sin, transgression of the law of relationships is the cause. If I don't have a genuine relationship with God, how can I love others ? How can I not be selfish,looking out for myself in a dangerous world ? And if everyone is looking out for themselves, if everyone is selfish then relationships become meaningless, transactional and when relationships become meaningless then taking advantage of others becomes the norm. So what is the solution to our misery? We must seek a true and intimate relationship with God. God is the source of love and only when we abide in His love we learn love 

As our relationship with God strengthens, so will the other relationships of our lives. As we learn what true love is from walking with God, then we will find healing for our souls, we will be able to love others. God is love, God has always been love and love is always about relationships with others. I cannot expect to know what it means to love unless I and God become very intimate. There is a saying ," show me your friends and I will show you who you are." If God is my daily friend, if I talk to God daily, think about Him daily and listen to Him daily through the reading of His Word, then I will become like God, then I will become a loving and lovable Christian. 

Life is about relationships and having a true and genuine relationship with God is the key to a loving, blessed and joyous life. Let us daily strive to draw nearer to Christ.  God is love and by drawing to God, you will abide in His love and will know how to love and be healer of others . 


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