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You Shall Not Surely...... Satan's response to modern Eves

But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:4,5 .

As we saw in the previous article titled ,"Did God Really Say? Satan's questions to Humanity in the 21st century:, Satan has continued to ask the questions. Many Christians like Eve have been attempting to provide the answers to those critical questions. The question now is, do we believe in Satan's response to our answers? In this article we will go over some of those responses being provided by the enemy.


You shall not surely disobey God if you live together for God knows that marriage is just a paper, and is also a dangerous thing to do.  And the woman looked and saw that marriage was not
so appealing and that living together or any other deviation makes one happier.


You shall not surely hurt your family and that marriage is no longer until death do us apart. For God knows your happiness is more important than his will and that if you not happy you should get a divorce and remarry whoever you want as many time as you wish. And the woman looked and saw that divorce was liberating  .


You shall not truly commit an abomination for it is known that society is making progress (towards damnation), and that the majority believes that marriage is no longer between male and female. And the woman saw that any union was good and pleasing to the flesh.


You shall not surely be a fool if you don't believe God exist. For all people are accountable to some kind of authority like teachers, parents, the state etc...but human in general are accountable to no higher being. And when the woman saw that it made more sense for human not to be accountable to any higher power, atheism looked like wisdom.


You shall not believe God is the creator .For all this vast existence could not possibly be created by a higher being , but created itself. And the woman saw how vast and complex creation was, it made more sense that a big bang created it all.


You shall not truly believe that 7th Sabbath is still the Day of the Lord. For God knows that human beings can choose any day that they want regardless of what the Lord said. And the woman looked and saw that sunday worship was appealing for one did not have to keep holy as the Lord true  Sabbath and that sunday worship was a symbol of man's power to do what they want regardless of the Word of God.

Women Ordination

You shall not only ordain men as priests for God knows that despite his Word saying only male should be ordained as priests or pastors because they represent headship. Male headship is a symbol of Christ's over the Church. Adam after allowing his wife to usurped his authority felled into transgression. And when the woman saw that being a pastor was uplifting and would qualify one as a symbol of Christ and usurped the order God establish.


What will you tell the serpent? Will you just act based on your feeling and tradition, the spirit of the age or will you answer thus saith the Lord? The choice is yours, the fruit (desire, lust, will, tradition , culture) is before you,  resist the devil do not bite the fruit. May God be with us .


Unknown said…
Interesting article, a strong reality of what we are up against. Let us not be afraid to call sin by its right name.

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