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Who are you voting for ?

 Following politics in the United States in the last few years has been very educational. If one studies the war in heaven, the great controversy between Christ and Satan, we can see a lot of similarities. The US system of political campaign is adversarial by nature. Meaning one party against another. Democrats versus Republicans. The idea behind it is that we need different perspectives in other to have a working democracy,  a working system of governance. But having a system which pit one against another for the purpose of unity may work for a while but it will eventually lead to division and war .

Someone said, " democracy has a lifespan of about 200 years and then it devolves into anarchy followed by tyranny." Democracy is mot sustainable in the long term. Democracy can only work in some measure if the people are moral and righteous, but when a people group become immoral and unrighteous as we are in these United States, democracy becomes oppressive. It becomes the tyranny of the majority over the minority, it becomes anarchy . Looking at the US in the last few presidencies, one can see a transition, the nation is slowly descending into tribalism, hatred and strife. The US is slowly heading towards tyranny. 

So how does the upcoming United states' presidential election has any semblance to the great controversy or the " war in heaven?" (Revelations 12:7-9). A lot can be learned. The term used for war in heaven actually means political campaign. It wasn't a physical war that happened in heaven, such is an impossibility, for no one could die in heaven and plus it would be impossible to physically attack God. The war in heaven was a political campaign. In heaven freedom reigns. All of God's creatures are free, but heaven is not a democracy, the kingdom of God is an absolute monarchy, God is the absolute Monarch. 

God is heaven's absolute Monarch and His will is the law. Lucifer who was God's highest ranking angel wanted a change in heaven's government, he wanted to be a member of the ruling Godhead. The Godhead is the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One God. Lucifer wanted to be like God, he wanted to be worshipped by the other angels and so he started a presidential campaign to become like God. He started going to the other angels and preached the injustice of God's government, preached that the laws of heaven were unfair, restrictive on the angels liberty and that if he was elected to the Godhead, he would make heaven a better place. 

Lucifer's campaign slogan could be said to have been," angelic freedom, make heaven truly great, a new order." Lucifer went about the place preaching heaven needed a change in the government, the system was unjust, crooked and that he would be the one to make everything right if he was admitted into the ruling Godhead, to work on behalf of the angels. He probably accused the Godhead of being out of touch with the feelings of the angels and that only an angel could truly represent the interest of the angels. Lucifer's political campaign created mistrust and division among the inhabitants of heaven. Division of feelings developed and soon heaven had two political parties.

As before there was only one political party, Christ's righteousness, now heaven had two groups, two political parties. Christ's party of righteousness, the ruling party and Lucifer's party of rebellion( sinners' party). Those who followed Christ believed He was the rightful ruler of heaven and that his rule was righteous. Those who followed Lucifer believed there needs to be a change in the law and order of heaven and the way of the Lord were unfair, that the laws of God restrict angelic freedom, that more freedom will ne found through rejection of God's law.( sin) War broke out of heaven,  came to a point where both side were so firm in their conviction that reconciliation was not possible.

Lucifer ( angel of light) was judged by the heavenly tribunal ⚖ , found guilty of high treason against heaven and sent into eternal exhile, banished from heaven. Lucifer became known as Satan, the adversary. Lucifer has continued his political campaign against heaven on planet earth, he is continually preaching that God's government is not just, his laws are not in the interest of human beings and that if we vote 🗳 for him as our leader, he will bring us more freedom and we will be happier.  How do we cast a vote for Satan 🤔? By sinning, by rebelling against the laws of God. Everytime i choose to sin, I become a supporter of Satan's " freedom party."

I see the same thing playing out in US politics.  Division is through the roof right now. Republicans and Democrats are living in alternate realities. President Briden's administration are accusing Donald Trump of conspiracy to overthrow the government and former president Donald Trump is accusing the administration of president Biden of corruption. The different media from each side are accusing each other of falsehood, of being anti American and against the constitution. At the moment both sidea are hardening their positions. Some people are unable to speak with people on the opposite spectrum and soon, very soon war will break out in the land, judgment day is coming upon the land.

It is difficult to know who is telling the truth in the US, whether the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats or Trump is a traitor who tried to seize power, time will tell. A similar situation had developed in heaven, as Lucifer was accusing God of being a tyrant and Lucifer was proclaiming to be a freedom fighter working on behalf the angels, it was difficult to know if God was telling the truth or Satan was telling the truth. Angels had to make decisions based on faith. Those who trusted in Christ and His righteousness chose Him and those who believe Satan was in the right chose Satan. God permitted Satan to continue his political campaign in heaven until every angel had decided .

Every angel had to choose a side, no one could remain neutral, for to be neutral was to be on the side of Satan, to be neutral was to disbelieve the righteousness of God. And so friends, as we are approaching the end of this great controversy, each and every single one of us have a choice to make. Am i going to join Jesus Christ's party of righteousness or am I going to join "Satan's freedom party?" When we believe in Christ, confess our sins and ask for His help to live righteously we become members of His righteousness. But when reject the word of God and choose to live in sin, we become members of "Satan's freedom to sin part."

Election day is a year away, in November 2024 the nation will vote to choose a president, Donald Trump most likely the republican candidate or Joe Biden the current president. The day of the vote will not be when most make their final decisions, most would have made their final decisions way before based on who they believe to be telling the truth, who they believe to be the best ruler for the nation, for their lives. Some may chabge their minds based on different events before the final vote 🗳,  but most would have already voted in spirit way before the final vote. Some say I will never vote for a Republican,  others say I will never vote for a Democrat way before the voting day.

Election day is near in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The close of human probation is drawing near. The candidates are making their campaigns for the human mind, for our affections, our loyalty and votes. Christ is sending His messengers throughout the nations to call people to repentance, to call people to righteousness,  to call people to loyalty and obedience to the government of heaven. Christ is saying cast your vote 🗳 for me and I will give you eternal life, choose me and I  will make your life a blessing, I will forgive you of all sins and I will make you a child of God. Christ is campaigning,  calling to our hearts to choose Him .

Satan is also campaigning hard before election day. He is sending his servants throughout the land to proclaim there is "freedom in sin," to proclaim choose sin and you will be happy, don't obey God, don't obey His laws, follow your own selfish heart and you will find what you are looking for. Satan is proclaiming through his servants " choose me and I will bring you riches, pleasures in this life, choose me and your life on earth will be great, choose sin and you will not surely die." 

Satan is campaigning for our votes, for our hearts and minds using all manner of deceptions to convince us to vote for Him to be the ruler of our lives .

Election day is coming, human probation is soon to close. Two candidates are running for rulership in our lives, we have Christ the Prince of peace and Satan the prince of this world, the prince of darkness. We have Christ from the party of perfect righteousness and Satan from the freedom in sin party. We are making our choices today based on whom we choose to listen to and the way we live our lives. Election day is coming soon, Jesus is soon to come, I beg you, I implore you friend to start following Jesus, to become a member of His righteousness,  to make your mind up for Him, so that when election day come, death or the mark of the beast crises you would have already cast your vote for Him 🗳


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