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The real issue with us

 What is the real problem with me, with us and society 🤔? Is it mental health? Is it economic? Is it loneliness? Is it lack of education? Is it physical health etc..? While all these things are problems, they are only symptoms of the real problem. The real problem with us is not physical at all. The real problem with us is spiritual and has always been. The real problem with us is separation from God, the source of life !

Right after Adam and Eve had sinned, they realized something they never felt before. They realized they were naked, nature seemed to change and Adam and Eve quickly sought to cover their nakedness with fig leaves. But what was the real issue with Adam and Eve 🤔? Was it a physical issue ? Was it a mental issue ? Was it an issue of the environment? No! Adam and Eve had a spiritual issue ,but they sought a physical solution to a spiritual issue ," fig leaves."

So what was the real issue with Adam and Eve 🤔? The real issue was separation from God. Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, transgressed His law and an internal separation was the result. The Spirit of God who had before dwelt within Adam and Eve, the result was emptiness, a nakedness of soul. Adam and Eve felt naked because the Holy Spirit who had covered them with the light of God departed. Sin causes the Spirit of God to withdraw from us and the result is always a nakedness of soul.

Fig leaves cannot cover sin, fig leaves cannot cover our infirmities. Adam and Eve try to solve a spiritual problem with physical means and it proved to be a failure. At the approach of God, Adam and Eve fled and hid themselves from His presence. Ever since the day of Adam and Eve, human beings have been attempting to cover a spiritual issue with earthly means. Sin leads to separation with God and separation from God lead to all sorts of earthly issues. Mental health, poverty, wars, hatred, loneliness etc.. are all the results of inward separation from God.

Like Adam and Eve we have been deceived into looking solely for earthly solutions to separation from God. We commit sins and our mental health are impacted, but instead of going to God for healing, we put on the fig leaf of the therapist alone ( therapist is good) which does help ,but cannot bring lasting covering. At the approach of conscience, we will flee and in the judgment we will flee. Repentance should go hand in hand with therapists. Repentance from sins is the beginning of true mental healing.

Poverty, political strife, loneliness etc.. are all the result of sinful human beings seeking for ways to cover their nakedness and ending up taking advantage of one another, using one another. Satan is constantly at work to lead us astray, to make us think that we can find the solutions to our problems using earthly means alone. Satan's goal is to separate us from God and then use whatever means to keep us separated by pointing us towards humans and human means as solutions to our problems. Seeking solutions from humans will leave us more broken and empty .

Friends, our real issue is separation from God and no human means can solve this problem. There is only one man who can brigde the gap between us and God, the Man Jesus Christ. Jesus alone can bring true healing to our souls and confession of sins is the way to begin our healing process. Earthly means can bring temporary solutions, but Jesus Christ will bring permanent solution to our issues, for He will abide in the soul itself and cover our nakedness. Friends, let us come to Jesus and pray for healing, pray for the Holy Spirit and we will be united again with God and find healing for our souls, then we will start to live healthy lifestyle, because we have found the real solution .


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