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Thought I was free in my bondage

 Freedom! Who doesn't want to be free? We all want to be free. America is called the land of the free, the home of the brave. The cry of this land is " give me liberty or give me death." Freedom's definition according to the online dictionary is " the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. Liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another: in short to be free is to be independent. We all want to be independent, we all want to be free from the power of others. The problem is such independence simply doesn't exist in reality

The truth is there is only one absolutely independent being in the universe, God. God is the only independent being in existence, He is the self existent One and sustain Himself. All other beings in existence are dependent upon God and all other beings are subject to His law. So the idea of being independent and doing your own will without restraint is simply false. God allows us the freedom to do things contrary to His will to a certain extent, but we are not free from the consequences of these decisions. " The wages of sin is death." 

God has a law and He expects all intelligent creatures to submit to that law. The law of love, the law of liberty. The law has two parts, supreme love for God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Transgression of the law of love leads to death. For to trangress God's law automatically places you in opposition to the most powerful Being in the universe. It is foolishness in the utmost and persistence in opposition to the absolute Monarch of the universe can only lead to death. All who persist in rebellion against God will die .

Here we see the evil brilliance of the devil 😈 revealed. Because God is absolute and has a law that is revealed to all and all are automatically made aware that they can't do whatever they want, Satan comes along and accuse God of being a tyrant. Satan comes along and say "hey, God is a tyrant, He has laws we must follow, laws that are against your happiness, laws that will restrain you from reaching your true potential, don't follow God's laws, but go ahead and do your own will, you are wise enough, you know what's good for you, go ahead and do what makes you happy and you will be truly free." 

Satan comes along us and promise us liberty in disobedience. Satan say" if you want to be truly free, follow your own will, don't obey the will of God."  What is the will of God? God's will is to love the Lord with all your heart. You love the Lord by obeying Him and walking in His way. The Lord's will is for me to love my neighbor. I love my neighbor by not killing him, not robbing him, not committing adultery with his spouse, not lying to him and not doing anything wrong to him I wouldn't want him to do to me. This is God's will, this is the law, but the devil say "this law is bondage, don't follow God, but follow your own heart and you will be free."

Then after the devil has persuaded me that God's way is bondage, he comes and say" let me show you how to be free." The devil then say, " kill your neighbor, commit adultery with his wife if she looks good and you want her. Covet your neighbor's goods. Have sex with people you are not married to. Dress however you want. Lie whenever you want to. Be a toxic person. Respect no one. Don't submit to God, don't submit to your husband, don't submit to those in power, be a rebel. The Devil continues, saying do whatever makes you happy even if other people are hurt in the process. Life is about your happiness and your happiness comes first. "Be free" the devil preach, " do what you will." 

But the one thing many of us missed is your will is actually the devil's will 😱! Notice it is the devil who is telling us how to live. The devil is so wise and we are so foolish. The devil convinced us that in disobeying God we will be free ,but we ignore the fact that it is the devil who then become our guide in life . By listening to the devil, I become his slave, not free. The evil brilliance of Satan is to make it appear that you can be independent from God and do your own will, when in reality all who are in sin against God are under the control of Satan. Satan promises us liberty, while he brings us under cruel bondage and many of us are so deceived that we fall in love with it .

God is the only independent being in existence. All beings are subject to His will whether you want to or not. But they are two wills in existence, just two. But you will say, Ric there are many wills in existence, " I  have my will, my friend has his will, the neighbor has his will etc.." I hear you friend, but in the grand scheme of things there are only two wills. You will either obey God and do His will or you will disobey God and do Satan's will. Satan's will is simple, disobey God. Satan is the leader of rebellion against God and all who are practicing sin are under his control and doing his will and are his slaves.

The most perfect form of slavery is to make the slave believe that their bondage is actually freedom. Satan has perfected slavery by making the slaves of sin believe they are free. We find ourselves going from relationship to relationship because of our selfishness, rebellious spirit and sinful lifestyle and yet we believe we are free. We find our lives very difficult, going from problem to problem, from mental health crises to mental health crises, yet we believe we are free. We find ourselves weak and enslaved to diverse lusts and yet we believe we are free. We are miserable and suicidal and yet we believe we are free. We are slaves of Satan, the cruelest of masters, yet we think we are free.

"Whoever sin is a slave of sin, Satan, but if Jesus sets you free, you will free indeed." Only Jesus can save us from Satan's power and deception. I used to think i was freed too, while in sin I used to think I was doing my own will, but it only as the Lord rescued me and His Spirit started to open my eyes I realized I was a slave in the cruelest form of bondage in existence, spiritual slavery. Only Jesus could have opened my eyes and set me free . Oh friends, unless you come to Jesus and allow Him to break the chains of sin in your life and to set you free, you are a slave of the Devil and you will die in your sin, die a slave. Only when we obey God are we free indeed. Preach the gospel, proclaim liberty, points satan's slaves to Jesus and He will set those who are willing free.


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