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The next stop on the train to destruction

I read an article recently about the United Nations that appears to be promoting sex with minors. "Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent may be consensual in fact, if not in law,"😯 the Geneva- based international commission of jurists wrote in March with an assist from UNAIDS and the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for human Rights. The report is title " the 8 March Principles for a human Rights- based approach to criminal law proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use,HIV, Homelessness and poverty.

The next step on the speed  train to destruction 🚅 is Pedophilia.The normalization of sex with children .The LGBTQ + movement is a slippery slope of wickedness. Satan is behind the movement and Satan will not stop until he has destroyed all restraints and all of God's blessing to us. He has corrupted marriage through sex before marriage, adultery . Then he introduced homosexual marriage, a contradiction, a crime against nature. When he accomplished that, he introduced transgenderism. The lie that a man can become a woman and a woman can become man.

Now that Satan has accomplished his goal of destroying marriage, he is moving to his next step, grooming children for sexual exploitation on a massive scale. This is why we have been hearing of a lot of drag queen homosexuals doing performances for children at schools, libraries etc.. This is why we had movie like "cutie" came out on Netflix in recent years. Homosexuals don't procreate, so they need to corrupt young children to grow up as deviants.  So it is of great importance for the LGBTQ movement to corrupt young children and the most effective way Satan has to corrupt young children is through Pedophilia. 

This is the reason now we are seeing the UN saying a minor can consent to sex. I have seen a Ted talk where this lady was talking about Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and that pedophiles were "born this way." And I read some article in which a Canadian professor was making a case for understanding Pedophilia as a sexual orientation just like any other sexual orientation. God gave only one sexual orientation, a male should be married to a female. But the Devil has introduced countless sexual orientations and our children our next in the firing line.
The Devil, the world are coming after our children, we better hide them in God, the only place of safety. If you have children, you better start praying with and for your children, better start making the education of your child your personal duty and start raising your child in the way of the Lord. If not the public school system,under the control of wicked people will groom your child to destruction. Having child in these dark last days is perilous. May God help us 🙏🏾


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