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Love has to be demonstrated

 Love has to be demonstrated

I love you ❤.
How many times have you heard this word from someone and yet their actions say something different. I love but yet when I'm angry I curse at you. I love you and yet I use you for my own personal gain. I love you and yet I have no time for you. I love you and yet I dismiss your pain. I love you and yet I ignore your love language. I love you and yet I cheat on you. I love you and yet i have no patience, no compassion for you. I love you and yet I'm unwilling to forgive you when you make a mistake.

We use the word love too casually. Words are easy to say. I can easily say I love you even though some people find saying it difficult. But truth is telling someone you love him/her is easy but demonstrating your love is a much harder proposition. The first problem with our " I love you," is that most people don't really understand what it means to love someone. When people think of love, they normally think of having "butterfly feelings 🦋,"  in the stomach for someone. They feel good when they think about the person and they conclude I love the person, but such love is only infatuation.

What does it mean to love someone 🤔? Love is not just an emotion, it is a principle, it is action. To love is to desire the good of someone else. To love someone is to want to make their life pleasant, to be a blessing to them. To understand them and to relate to them in a way they can understand.  To love someone is to make his/her life beautiful to the best of your ability. To love someone is to seek to give them the good and withhold the evil. To love someone is to accept them just as they are, even as you seek to elevate them to a higher joy. To love someone is to serve them.
Therefore love has to be demonstrated. Loving someone means listening to them. For it is difficult to understand someone if we do not spend the time listening to them. Loving someone means to understand their love language. All of us have different love language and for you to seek to love someone in a way that doesn't appeal to their love language is simply selfishness. It reveals that you dont really care about the person, it reveals you never listen to them nor understand them.  Example, I don't eat meat 🍗, if you were to bring me chicken for dinner, it would mean you don't love me or don't know me that well. But you would only know that by spending time with me.

Love requires self sacrifice. Love require one to do things that are difficult, things that are inconvenient for the sake of others. Love requires you to go out of your way to do what is right, good for the person. Love requires me to give up self for the other. I may be tired, but a friend need a ride, love demonstrated will have me getting up and go pick them up. A wife may be sleepy but her kids and husband are hungry, love demonstrated will have her wake up and cook for them. You may be busy but a friend need to talk, love in action will have you sacrifice your time to speak to them. Love has to be demonstrated otherwise it is meaningless word .

Love has to be demonstrated. God doesn't just tell us He love us, but Ge demonstrated His great love for us by giving up His only begotten Son to die in our place. Jesus doesn't just say He loves us, but lay down His life in order to pick us up from the degradation of sin. He did all that was necessary to give us a blessed life . Love has to be demonstrated. Many people claim to love God but their actions shows contrary. Claim to love God but have no time for Him. Claim to love God but don't listen to Him. Claim to love God but continually doing things that He hates. This is not love. For God says if you love me, keep my commandments.

If you love me, let your actions reveal it. Love is intentional. You have to work to demonstrate it. Loving someone is not easy, it doesn't come natural. If you love me, be kind to me. If you love me, be true to me. If you love me, seek to understand me. If you love me, seek to know what I like and what I hate so that you know how to make my life a blessing. If you love me, show me by your willingness to lay down your pride, your anger, your selfishness for my sake. Love has to be demonstrated and love is long term. For you can claim to love me now, but time will reveal your true intentions. Time will show if you were just saying things, to lower my guard and use me for your own sake.
Love is kind, patient, it doesn't boast, it is not proud, it doesn't dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in evil ( meaning if you wrong me, I will not be planning to get back at you) . Love rejoices in the truth. Love always protect, always trusts, always hopes,  always persevere. 1 Corinthians 13: 4- 7. Based on this definition of love, can we really say we love God🤔? Can we really say we love anyone beside ourselves? Friends, most our love is self seeking but we can change by going to God in prayer and ask for a heart of love.
 Love has to be demonstrated



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