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The elites of this world are corrupt!

The Dalai Lama is one of the most famous religious leaders on this planet, a man of great influence, a respected world leader. Yet a video came out recently showing kissing a young boy on the lips and asking him to " suck his tongue" at a public event in India 🤢. The Dalai Lama,  Tenzin Gyatso, is the "holiest " figure in Tibetan Buddhism and has lived in exile in India since 1959, when Tibet was annexed by China. As he is the supreme Buddhist monk, he never married.

 In the video in question, according to the guardian newspaper, a young male student approached a microphone at the event and asked the Dalai Lama: " can I hug you ?" The Dalai Lama, 87, told the boy to come up to the platform where he was seated. Motioning to his cheek, he is heard saying " first here", after which the child kissed him and gave him a hug. The Dalai Lama kept hold of the boy, saying " I think here also" and then planted a kiss on his lips 😱. " And suck my tongue," 🤢 the Dalai Lama then said, sticking our His tongue, forehead to forehead with the student. The boy quickly stuck out his tongue and went to move away while the Dalai Lama laughed.. and the audience laughed..

This is wickedness! Wickedness done in public,wickedness in high places. The question we must ask is if the Dalai does such a wicked thing as kissing a boy on the lips and telling the boy to "suck his tongue," one doesn't even want to begin to imagine the type of things this man may be doing in private 🤫. The catholic church has the same problem. In recent years, many revelations of pedophilia came out of the catholic church. Priests took advantage of young boys who were in their care, molesting them and doing all types of depraved things to them. Some priests went to prison as the revelations came to light and victims spoke out .

While they try to make it seems that only a few bad priests were doing these things, it seems more systematic because a lot of the superiors knew of the pedophile priests and just move them to different parishes when problems arose and this issue was a worldwide issue. The catholic church in defiance of the Word of God forbid priests from getting married and all types of wickedness have come up as a result. But there is a difference, in the middle ages, the priests used to have secret mistresses, but now it seems to be little boys who are the main attraction. Could it be that the elites of society are practicing great wickedness behind close doors ?

Look at the profileration of homosexuality in our society. The homosexual community is only a very small minority but yet they have so much power. Could it be they have so much power because many of the elites are practicing homosexuality behind closed doors? You think this is far fetched ? Look at what's happening in many of our schools, the drag shows. Where sick and depraved men dressed as women and teaching little kids, reading stories for them in libraries etc.. Homosexuality and grooming of young kids is being pushed upon us with great Zeal. You rarely see a movement being pushed with as much zeal by those in power. Could it be it is because they want to make secrets sins widespread?

Friends, the elites of this world are sick, depraved and corrupt and their goal is to bring about a sick,depraved and corrupt society. A depraved, corrupt society is easier to control. Homosexuality corrupts an individual and makes him weak, it emasculate men and rob them of strength. So it is in the elites vested interest to spread homosexuality throughout the land using all forms of media to corrupt the masses. And since homosexuals do not procreate, the elites must corrupt young children so they can grow up homosexuals. Hence why our young are being taught that can choose their own genders in the schools and in media.

The elites of society are corrupt and their goal is to corrupt you first and then control you. Protect yourself  from participating in evil things or beholding evil. Protect your children, teach your children the way of the Lord and remove everything in the home that will give the corrupt elites access to your children's minds. Educate your children, dont leave it to the teachers or the church to do it. It is your responsibility as a parent to raise your child in the fear of the Lord.  The Devil is using the elites of this world to corrupt and ensnare us, let us find shelter in the arms of Jesus, the Word of God and resist the evils of this world 🙏🏾

Ephesian 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high 


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