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The weakness of the Christian church

 The Christian church is weak, weaker than ever. Yet, all around us are churches, on every corner and shopping plazas we see churches. What is going on ? How can there be so many churches in the land and yet wickedness is increasing ? How can there be so many churches and the spiritual darkness in the land is darker than midnight ? Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people. In this article I will speak of two reasons for the darkness. The precedence of humanistic theories and the love of sin above the Word of God.

Humanistic philosophies and the love of sin have invaded the church and weakens it. Humanistic theories put my feelings, what I think above the Word of God. Humanistic theories encourage the works of the flesh. One humanistic concept is life is about the pursuit of happiness. Life is not about living for God's glory but to fulfill my own happiness even if why I desire to make me happy goes contrary to God's Word.  My feelings supersede God's will. So If as a Christian sex outside of marriage makes me happy then sex outside of marriage is what I will do and anyone who tells me it is sin is  a hateful Christian, a Christian not in line with the times .

When what I want, my feelings, my happiness, my point of view become more important than the Word of God then a life of sin and rebellion is what I will have. And this the reality of the Christian church. In revelation chapter 3, Jesus called our church a lukewarm church, a church that is neither dedicated to Him fully nor to the world fully, a double minded church with 1 foot in the world and 1 foot in the church. Such a church is useless to God but is powerful in the hands of Satan. A lukewarm church which exalt human theories above the Word of God is a church who will be fearful to preach the truth for fear of offending sinners.

It is a church that is more focus on numbers than in having true converts. It is a church that have for members people who have itching ears, who want to hear sweet words but not words of repentance. A church who wants encouragement in pursuit of worldliness, a church who doesn't believe they can get the victory over sin, a church Christian in name only but as godless as the common sinner. Such a church is useless to God and is only a social club for sinners. These are the majority of the churches in our land. They are sinner centered, not Christ centered. Then it is no wonder many of these churches have worship services that look like clubbing.

Nowadays we see all manner of things in the church.  We have gay pastors, we have transgender elders, we have twerking for Jesus, we have people putting tattoos for Jesus on them while God says we should not mark ourselves. We have Christian rap, Christian rock, we have everything from the world in our church as the Word of God is pushed further back. Many churches now are simply social clubs where people go to gain emotional support to continue living in sin, to be comforted in their sins, but not a place to hear a thus saith the Lord. Not a place to hear Holiness of God and our need to repent and as a result our church have become weak, unable to stand in the face of the cultural onslaught of evil .

Friends, we are weak Christians because we have not make God's will, God's Word the guide of our lives. We have made cultural norms and cultural sentiments the guide of our faith. Friends, if we want to be strong Christians, if we want to be impactful Christians we must make the Will, the Word of God the guide of our lives. Life is not about my happiness, life is about fulfilling the Will of my Father, even God. Life is not about what I want but what God wants for me. Life is not about my emotions, but what God says is right. When your chief aim in life start to be doing God's will at all cost, then the Spirit of God will empower you to do His will

Friends, let us remember as Christians we are in this world but not of this world. We are part of another kingdom, the kingdom of God. Therefore let us make the Word of God our rule of life and not the current human theory.  Let us repent from all our sins, let us ask God to remove all wordliness from our lives, let us pursue holiness at all cost. Friends, God is looking for people in this last days who will stand true to Him, who will speak the truth tho the heavens fall. God is looking for a people who will be faithful unto death, God is looking for me and you. Friends the time has come for a revival of primitive godliness, the time has come for us to be true Christian worthy of the name

The time has for us to come out of the Babylon of sin and wordliness and to enter into true fellowship with Christ. Let our prayers be Lord help me, Lord give me the victory over sin, over my self, over my stubborn heart, over my love of the world. Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to live for you, every day of my life, for the rest of my days. Lord be the strength in my weakness, help me to be strong in the power of your might. Then friends, you will start seeing the power of God working in your lives and the Spirit of God will bring revival to your soul and make you a strong and influential Christian.  Lord let your will and not my will be done in my life is my prayer 🙏🏾


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