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Mental illness and God's power


Mental illness is now rampant in our land. Everything from transgenderism, mass shootings, suicide are categorized as mental illness. Nothing is a sin anymore, but just mental illness. If I am a rude and bitter person, it is not because of sin in my life but because of mental illness. If I as a man think I am a woman and desire a sex change, it is not because of a wicked heart that I have but a mental illness that human beings alone can help make right. If someone goes commit a mass shootings, the first question is I wonder what his mental state was, and whether he was abused as a child ,not that this is a wicked individual. 

If I go and commit suicide, the question is I wonder what he was suffering from that caused them to take such a drastic measure. While we understand that someone who commit suicide was under severe Satanic assault and Satan led them to a point where they felt like they had no way out and we have compassion for anyone who is suffering currently and is suicidal. Friends, if you are feeling suicidal right now, I will encourage you to pray to God, for God is able to save you, surrender all the suicidal thoughts to God and He will give you the victory. Also go to a therapist or someone you trust so they can help you with these thoughts, so you can gain the victory. May God help you overcome. 

Suicide is still a wicked thing, it is a selfish act. In committing suicide one ignores God's will, His power to save. One also ignores the sufferings of loved ones. The law says love God and your neighbor as yourself, love requires sacrifice. The act of suicide show hatred for both God and neighbor. But the moment you mention suicide as an evil and wicked thing, people calm it a sensitive topic, meaning it shouldn't be talked about and its wickedness should not be exposed. Friends, as ministers of the gospel we must not let labels such as sensitive topics prevent us from preaching the truth and exposing evils of our time

Mental illness is real and so is sin. The increase of mental illness in the land is a Divine judgment. Divine judgment? What do you mean ? In Romans chapter 1:18-30, the Bible shows how God judges a society that has forsaken Him and worship created things, a society full of idolatry.  A society in which sexual sins are rampant, homosexuality is rampant. The Bible says that God soon hand over the people of that society to a "depraved mind ". A depraved mind is a worthless mind, a mind that cannot think properly,  a sick mind, a mentally ill mind. So the epidemic of mental illness in the land is for the most part a spiritual issue,  a Divine judgment to punish sin and rebellion.

When we refuse to keep God in our minds, when we refuse to make the kingdom of God our priority, God soon let us go do whatever we want, let us live however we choose. Soon all types of stresses and depression overcome us and very soon we may find ourselves mentally collapsing under the weight of these things. So yes friends, mental illness is real, is rampant and we need help. But the first thing in getting help is to acknowledge the problem, it is to acknowledge that the mental health epidemic sweeping the western nations is at first a spiritual problem, a spiritual judgment and it requires a spiritual solution. 

So how should you deal with your mental illness? By going to God in prayer. God is your maker and God is all powerful. Is there anything to hard for the Lord? No. Is your mental illness too great for the Lord to fix ? No, friends. God is in the business of healing and restoration, so come to Jesus in prayer. Ask the Lord to heal you of whatever mental issue you may be going through. God knew we all suffer from some type of mental illness and that's why in the scriptures God says a new mind will I give you and right spirit. Friends, the cure for mental illness is to go to God and ask to give you a new mind, we all need a new mind and a right spirit. Sin has destroyed our minds, but God can renew our minds .

Friends, you are not alone in your struggle with mental illness and dont be alone in your struggle. Seek help from God, seek help from friends, from professionals,  but most of all keep asking God for a new mind and ask the Lord to remove from you every evil thing that is contributing to your mental illness,  ask God to give you victory over every evil thoughts and suicidal thoughts are definetly evil. But never, ever think your mental illness justify sinful behaviors. There is no excuse for sin because God is able to save from the uttermost. So my friends, let us go to God in prayer and let us abide in His love and He will  heal you and renew your mind.

Lord, give me a new mind 🙏🏾

Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


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