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Suicide is Self-Murder

 Recently I read the news about a DJ, Television Host and Dancer named Stephen Boss who committed suicide. He was 40 years old, was married, had 3 children: Zaia, 3, Maddox, 6, and Weslie, 14.  This man was probably going through a lot mentally and the burden became too much and so he took the solution offered by the Devil and killed himself. We pray that God may comfort the wife, the children and the family of the deceased, however what this man did was a wicked act. There is an ongoing movement in our society to normalize suicide, to make it seems as an acceptable option to escape pain and suffering, but this movement is coming straight from the gates of hell and we must resist it as children of God.

Satan is a lover of death. Jesus said the thief comes but to steal and to destroy. Satan's goal is to destroy human life by any means necessary and suicide is one of the weapons in his evil arsenal. Our society is almost fully under demonic control, so it's no surprise there is a concerted effort to normalize suicide. Suicide is an attempt to escape suffering, life's trials. Suicide is cowardice and selfishness in display. Suicide is the ultimate expression of self love, all you care about is yourself, not God, not your family but self and you are willing to break God's law and commit murder in order to escape whatever pain you may be going through.

The latest excuse for many suicide now are mental health issues. Somehow we believe its acceptable for one to commit suicide because he is going through mental difficulties. Friends, this is just an excuse from the devil. Everyone goes through some mental issue, everyone goes through trials and difficulties,  this life is not easy. And if you are a true Christian you will definitely go through mental anguish, moments of darkness and depression. Job went through serious dark times, Joseph, the apostles, the prophets all went through dark times and yet they overcame because they depended on God for strength 💪🏾, they call upon Him in time of needs. Mental health issues are no excuse for evil. 

Jesus himself went through the greatest and most severe mental crises any human being will ever experience. In the garden of gethsemane He was suffering under the weight of the world's sins🌍. He was suffering the anguish of being separated from His Father, later on He was forsaken by His beloved disciples and yet He didn't commit suicide but fulfilled the will of His Father. How was Jesus able to go on despite all His sufferings ? He relied on Infinite strength 💪🏾. He prayed, He depended on His Father. He gave us the example to follow. In times of mental anguish and suffering we are to seek God, to depend on His strength and not contemplating suicide

Is contemplating suicide evil ? Not really, it's a temptation and we are all tempted by different things.  Contemplating suicide during difficult times is simply hearing the Devil speaks to you but you must resist His temptation. When you feel like you have to kill yourself in order to find rest at last, go to Jesus in prayer and say Lord I'm struggling with depression, I'm struggling with suicidal thoughts but I know you came to give me life and to give it to me more abundantly, so help me Lord, give me the victory over these evil thoughts. I know you love me Lord, I know I'm worth your life, you gave your life for me, now help me to live my life for you. Help me Jesus .

Jesus will help you if you call upon Him. Friends, in this life we will all go through trials and tribulations. God allows trials to come to our lives in order to save us, the trials of life are designed to draw us closer to God. The trials of life are means through which God seeks to strengthen us. Do not be discouraged and become suicidal in your trials but seek help from God and if your faith in God is weak seek help from the professionals,  seek help from a friend but do not and I mean do not at any point succumb to the Devil's temptation and commit suicide. Suicide is self murder and the Bible says no unrepentant murderer will inherit the kingdom of God

God is the giver of life and God alone has the right to take our lives. Let us not seek to be gods in our lives but let us humbly submit to whatever circumstances God allow us to be in. Whatever you going through, bring it to God and ask for strength to go through it. Suicide is not the answer, suicide is evil, selfish and demonic but Jesus is the answer. In Jesus you will find help and strength in time of needs. The Devil loves death and He wants to destroy you, but Jesus came to give you life, life more abundantly. Seek the Lord, submit all wicked thoughts to Him in prayer and He will give you the victory. Again suicide is not the answer, Jesus is 🙏🏾

James 10:10

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Depression a disease of civilization


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