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Showing posts from December, 2022

The second temptation: cast yourself down

  Round two. In the first temptation we saw the Devil approached Christ and told Him if He was the Son of God he should use His power to get Himself out of His present circumstances. But Christ overcame the Tempter by using the Scriptures as His weapon. He lifted up the shield ๐Ÿ›กof eternal truth, blocked Satan's assault by telling him, " it is written, man shall not eat by bread alone but by every Word that come from the mouth of God. " The Devil received a severe blow in the first round. And so it is friends, every time we resist Satan's temptations by the power of God we get stronger. So the Devil comes back now with the scriptures. The Devil is basically saying I know the scriptures too.  Matthew 4:6,"And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone." Now the Devil thought He i

Speaking the truth is a revolutionary act

  " Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act ." George Orwell. This world is a world full of deceits and falsehoods. "Ever since the fall of man, Satan has been sowing the seeds of error. " (Christ object lessons). Falsehood is the default system of this world. Governments use falsehoods to conduct their agendas and control the masses . Many religious systems use falsehoods to control their adherents. Businesses use falsehood and deceitful means to rob the poor and enrich themselves. Men and women use falsehoods to seduce one another and take advantage of one another. Universal deceit is the default mode of our world. Because falsehoods is universal, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. People don't want to hear the truth. Jesus  said in John 3, "this is the condemnation, light has come into the world but men love darkness rather than light." And why do people prefer the darkness ๐Ÿค”?  Because their deeds are evil

The first temptation: turning stones into bread ๐Ÿž

 In Luke 4:3 And the Devil said unto him, if thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. This is the first temptation of Christ in the wilderness by the Devil. Have you ever been tempted by the Devil ? Have you ever find yourself in the wilderness of temptation ?  The temptations that Jesus went through are the summary of what we all go through at different points in our lives. The Devil comes to all of us. He comes to us during our youth, our middle age and before death. The Devil comes to us right before we enter into the Lord's work. If He sees God is calling you, He will come first to bring you down . Today we will look at the first temptation  We all find ourselves in the wilderness at some point in our lives. The wilderness is a time of testing to see whether you will obey God or not. The wilderness is a difficult time. Usually comes soon after God saves you. Soon after God saves you, the Holy Spirit will drive you into the wilderness to be tested of the

The problem with Christmas ๐ŸŒฒ

  In John chapter 4:24, Jesus said God is a Spirit and they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Notice the verse say "must". I looked up the definition of the word "must": be obliged to ; should (expressing necessity). Something that should not be overlooked or missed. So Jesus said it is of utmost necessity that we worship God not only in spirit but in truth. Christmas meet the first test because many people are deceived into thinking it's really about Jesus and they worship in spirit but it fails the test of truth because it is not Jesus' birthday. Christmas as it's widely known was the celebration of the birth of the sun god ๐ŸŒž, called Mithra by the Persian, Nimrod (Tammuz ) by the Babylonians, Helios of the Greeks. December 25 was the date the pagans used to celebrate the birth of their gods. As part of the celebration there were drunken, raucous parties. Christmas was a period of decadence and moral corruption. So how did Chris

The lies we believe

  All of us believe in some lies. When the Devil approached Eve in the garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3 and asked her concerning God's prohibition on eating of the tree ๐ŸŒณ of the knowledge of good and evil,  He told her a two fold lies. The Devil told her you shall not surely die. The Devil contradicted God, basically calling God a liar. The first target of the Devil's lie was God Himself. Then the Devil told Eve you will be as gods, knowing good and evil. The second target of the Devil's lie was humanity, telling us lies about ourselves. The Devil's lies always have two targets in mind. Lies about God and lies about ourselves. So what are some of the lies the Devil has been telling us? Lies such as you are worthless, you are ugly, you can't do nothing right, no one cares about you, no one loves you and if you were to die right now, no one would remember you etc.. You can add your own lie to the list. We all have what is called a core belief. A core belief is som

Life is about love

 Life is about love. Love is a beautiful thing. When in love you feel alive, you feel unconquerable. Life becomes meaningful, life is a joy and you can't wait for the next day to spend more time with the one you love. Do you remember the first time you were in love ? What a wonderful time it was ! But soon you fell out of love and heartbreak came ๐Ÿ’”. You promised to love the other person for the rest of your life and they promised the same to you but here you are now broken, with a cold heart and unable to love. Love has so died out of your heart that you now say I'm going to love myself first.  Self love and self care are now my priorities. What happened to your loving heart ? Why is it now so cold ? Well life happened. The truth is we have been deceived concerning what love is. We think that love is about receiving but love is about giving, always giving and hoping that you will receive in return. Furthermore love is not just a feeling but a Divine principle, love is sacrific

Judgement to come ⚖

  God will judge ! God is going to judge sin and there will be no escape. God is the Creator of all things. God made us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are beautiful because you were made by God the Master artist. You are precious in His eyes and He made you for His glory. God has unique purpose for your life and He wants your life to reveal His glory to those around you. God did not make you to live however you want, think whatever you want and treat your body however you want. God made you to reflect His glory, to be a glory, a praise for Him on the earth and He will judge me and you based on how we live out our lives. God will judge me and you ! We are not our own. Our bodies are not our own. We are God's property by creation and redemption. We were bought with a price, even the blood of Jesus. Because we are not our own, we cannot live our lives however we see fit but must strive with the help of God to live according to His will. Every thought, every action will b

Take every thought captive to Christ

  The battle is over our minds. Satan is after our minds and in the last few years we have seen an increase in mental illness in the land. Satan knows that He has a short time and He is launching devastating attacks against our minds. The Bible says Satan goes about like a roaring lion ๐Ÿฆ seeking whom He may devour. Satan is seeking you, He is seeking me to destroy. But how does Satan seek us? He seek us by the things we allow in our minds. Remember Satan spoke to Eve through the medium of the Serpent ๐Ÿ and put rebellious thoughts in her mind and brought death to her. Satan is doing the same for me and you . If you eat poisonous food then your body will be sick. It is the same for the mind, if you allow poisonous thoughts in your mind then you will be mentally sick. The Devil is using every means to bring poisonous thoughts into our minds. Some of His major mediums of doing so are through the entertainment industry ๐ŸŽฅ. The movies of Hollywood bring images of violence, greed, sexual im

The weakness of the Christian church

 The Christian church is weak, weaker than ever. Yet, all around us are churches, on every corner and shopping plazas we see churches. What is going on ? How can there be so many churches in the land and yet wickedness is increasing ? How can there be so many churches and the spiritual darkness in the land is darker than midnight ? Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people. In this article I will speak of two reasons for the darkness. The precedence of humanistic theories and the love of sin above the Word of God. Humanistic philosophies and the love of sin have invaded the church and weakens it. Humanistic theories put my feelings, what I think above the Word of God. Humanistic theories encourage the works of the flesh. One humanistic concept is life is about the pursuit of happiness. Life is not about living for God's glory but to fulfill my own happiness even if why I desire to make me happy goes contrary to God's Word.  My feelings supersede God's will. So

Mental illness and God's power

  Mental illness is now rampant in our land. Everything from transgenderism, mass shootings, suicide are categorized as mental illness. Nothing is a sin anymore, but just mental illness. If I am a rude and bitter person, it is not because of sin in my life but because of mental illness. If I as a man think I am a woman and desire a sex change, it is not because of a wicked heart that I have but a mental illness that human beings alone can help make right. If someone goes commit a mass shootings, the first question is I wonder what his mental state was, and whether he was abused as a child ,not that this is a wicked individual.  If I go and commit suicide, the question is I wonder what he was suffering from that caused them to take such a drastic measure. While we understand that someone who commit suicide was under severe Satanic assault and Satan led them to a point where they felt like they had no way out and we have compassion for anyone who is suffering currently and is suicidal. F

Suicide is Self-Murder

 Recently I read the news about a DJ, Television Host and Dancer named Stephen Boss who committed suicide. He was 40 years old, was married, had 3 children: Zaia, 3, Maddox, 6, and Weslie, 14.  This man was probably going through a lot mentally and the burden became too much and so he took the solution offered by the Devil and killed himself. We pray that God may comfort the wife, the children and the family of the deceased, however what this man did was a wicked act. There is an ongoing movement in our society to normalize suicide, to make it seems as an acceptable option to escape pain and suffering, but this movement is coming straight from the gates of hell and we must resist it as children of God. Satan is a lover of death. Jesus said the thief comes but to steal and to destroy. Satan's goal is to destroy human life by any means necessary and suicide is one of the weapons in his evil arsenal. Our society is almost fully under demonic control, so it's no surprise there is a

The Devil knows he has a short time

 There is a massive deception in christianity. The deception is many people  believe because they go to church, they read the Bible sometimes, they say a prayer here and there they are on their way to heaven. Friends, this is false and couldn't be further from the truth. Believing there is a God, believing Jesus came and die to save humanity doesn't make you a Christian anymore than it would make the Devil a Christian. In James 2:19  the Bible says you believe there is one God, you do well, the Devils also believe and tremble. Notice the devils believe so much in the reality of God that they tremble in fear.  What does your belief in God do for you ?  The Devil is a greater believer in Jesus than most Christians ๐Ÿ˜ฎ. In Acts 19:15 we hear a demonic spirit tell some pretended believers who were trying to cast them out in the name of Jesus whom Paul preach say I know Jesus, and Paul I know but who are you ? The Devils know Jesus, they know He is God, they know He is Almighty, they

Does prayer work ?

Imagine going through a difficult time and you come to a Christian friend to talk. You tell your friend all the difficulties you are going through and after you done talking, he gave you a simple answer, " pray to the Lord about it "!. How would you feel? Wouldn't you feel offended? Wouldn't it appear that your friend doesn't care ? I mean my friend I'm going through a lot. I'm having anxiety, depression, I'm having a hard time at home, my family is falling apart, I'm struggling with addiction and I come to you, to speak to you and all you tell is to pray about it! What is prayer going to do in such circumstances? I need real help, you know what! I'm going to those who can truly help !  I'm going to the therapist, to the counselor, they can help me but to pray about it ? What will it do. At least when I go to the therapist they will listen to me, they will report to me what my problems are based on the latest scientific theory, they will pr

Chasing the Trophy (World cup) ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพ‍♂️

 FIFA's world cup ⚽️! The greatest sporting event on this planet is taking place this year in Qatar. Millions of youths aspire to win it and millions more aspire to play in it. To win the world cup ๐Ÿ† is the pinnacle of a soccer/football's player dream. To wear your country's Jersey, to represent them on the biggest sporting event on the planet is a great honor to many. To be included in the folklore of the country's legends, to be a part of history , to be a hero to many others is what many players are fighting for. In order to reach tournaments like the world cup ๐Ÿ†, players dedicate their lives to the sport. All they do revolve around the sport. Their diet, their minds, their lifestyles revolved around it, the sport become the one thing they live for.  Countries will only choose the best players to represent them and to be the best requires self sacrifice. Some of the greatest players become cult like figures to many, even gods to many and are worshipped. Some Christ

The Bidding For My Soul

  Good day, welcome to the greatest auction in the world ๐ŸŒŽ with the greatest merchandise in the world, the human soul. Today we have for sale the reader's soul. We have two buyers, Christ ( the Prince of Peace ) and the Satan ( the Prince of this world ). This auction is different, the highest bidder doesn't win but you reader choose the one who will get your soul, you the  reader put the price on your soul. You the reader will estimate the value of your soul. Now that we have your soul, the buyers and rules of the auction established, we shall proceed with the bidding process . Let the bidding begin! Who shall bid first ? Christ or Satan ? Do I hear Satan speak ? Yes, Satan has spoken! What will you bid for the reader's soul Satan, Prince of this world ๐ŸŒ?  What will you give for the reader's soul? I will give the world ๐ŸŒ for the reader's soul.   Reader, Satan has offered the world for your soul. He has put a down payment, now he will offer you the particulars.

Marriage vows

Today we are gathered here to witness the union of Christ and me. In the presence of the watching universe, we will now hear the vows. Jesus: I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. Me : Lord, I have not love you, I have been selfish all my life  Jesus :  before I formed you in the womb, i knew you and I set you apart for myself  Me : Lord, even now I don't know you, for I do always things that displease you  Jesus :  this is love : not that we loved God ,but that He loved you and sent Son as an atoning sacrifice for your sins  Me : oh Lord, I'm a great sinner, I'm unworthy of your love. Jesus : while you were yet sinning, I died for you. Me : Lord, my sins are red like scarlet, I am ashamed of my past Jesu s:  though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ,though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Me : Lord, I only come to you when I need stuff, I  am selfish  Jesus : Ask and it shall b

Christ At The Center

The key to a victorious life is to have Jesus at the very center. It is only when Jesus is at the center of my life that I will have the peace of God. When Christ is at the center of my life, it means He has the highest priority and I do all things to please Him. Whether I eat and drink I will then do all for His glory. Many of us are not experiencing joy in the Lord because even though we go to church, self is at the center of our lives. We do everything to please self at the expense of Christ. How to put Christ at the center of my life is our topic for today Our hearts have place for only one ruler๐Ÿคด๐Ÿพ! Either Jesus or self will rule my heart. We all were born with self as the ruler of our hearts. You can see in a new born baby. A baby has no concern for the welfare of his mother. A baby only cares about me. I want milk and I want it now! I want to sleep and I want to now. All humanity are selfish in nature and unless there is a profound transformation in the heart, unless Christ com

Noble Dependence

  "Dependence"! An evil word to our generation. Our generation is one who strives for independence. We want to be independent from our parents, we want to be independent from church, we want to be independent from our spouses, we want to be independent from any form of laws or restraint. Independence and freedom are the buzzwords of our generation and we do all in our power to achieve such independence at the expense of all relationships. But where did the drive for independence come from? And who was the first to strive for it ? Our topic for today Lucifer, a son of God got tired of being dependent on God, He got tired of being a child of God and desired to be like God Himself, to be his own God, to take care of himself, to seek counsel of himself and to lead his life according to how he sees fit, in one Word Lucifer sought independence from God ๐Ÿ˜ฎ. And he taught our first parents the same thing, telling Eve she can become like God by disobeying God. Telling Eve that she di



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6