As a nation, as a society we are on our way down towards destruction. Every nation eventually collapse. If you look at the great empires of the past you would see this fact clearly. All great nations eventually collapsed when madness becomes the norm. Our society right now is one where madness rules .
No where is this madness more evident than in our women. In every great society women are protected. The body of a woman is treated as sacred, something to be hidden from the sight of the world. But when a society is on its way towards destruction, its women are devalued and treated as cheap. Nakedness is associated with sin and shame in the scriptures. A woman celebrating her nakedness in public is a woman who is proud of her sinfulness.
The modern woman has no self worth and so the modern women seek validation from the streets. The modern woman is very cheap and is for the streets for the most parts. Many modern women are displaying their naked bodies on social media for everyone to see. You wonder what kind of husbands allow such things 🤔? Weak husbands .
A man who allows his wife to display her nakedness in public, on social media is a weak man and weak men play a major part in the hard times we are dealing with. A time in which women have no value, many women are going around sleeping around with anyone that say "I love you." As a result the modern woman can't be trusted because she is for the streets.
The modern woman find it hard to find a husband because she is for the streets, been in the streets and have no conception of faithfulness or commitment. The modern woman is a sign of a dying society.
The modern woman is selfish and rebellious. You can tell her nothing. She will only do what she wants to do and that includes parading her nakedness for the streets to see. Getting into a relationship with a modern woman these days is a soul trying thing. She has no loyalty and expect herself to be the center of the relationship. She doesn't care about your wellbeing, for everything is about her. Her joy, her feeling, her mood change. And she has an independent, don't need no man attitude. Believing that you can always be replaced for someone better. The modern woman believe that she is the prize to catch 🏆 and therefore she feels no need to work on her character. No need for inward growth. The modern woman will make you miserable. Matter of fact most divorces are initiated by women.
For a marriage to work, the Lord commanded the man to love his wife and for his wife to submit to him. Submission is a bad word to the modern woman, she believes in " equality " and equality in her mind means no submission. Matter of fact the modern woman wants you as the man to submit to all her wishes and desires. When she says " jump , you answer how high dear." The modern woman is the product of the usurpation of the role of the man in the family .
Flee from the modern woman and find yourself a woman who fears the Lord. Stay away from the modern women if you care for your mental health. For even if she is faithful, her nakedness will be on display for all to see, because she only finds validation from the streets. The modern woman is for the streets in mind, in spirit.
Get yourself a woman who fears the Lord, who honors God with her mind, her heart, her body. Who doesn't seek validation from the streets by displaying her nakedness. And ladies pray that the Lord will help you to cover up and live a life that bring glory to His name.
The modern women is crazy, stay away from such. Marriage is already difficult, to marry a modern rebellious woman is to bring greater hardships to your life.
When looking for a wife don't just go for one who looks pretty outwardly, but pray for the Lord to choose for you. When the Lord choose for you, even though you will have hard times because we are sinners in a sinful world, but you will know that the Lord is with you and both you and your spouse fear Him. Stay clear of the modern rebellious and naked woman. Get yourself a woman who fears God and who respect herself .
And ladies, remember nakedness in the scriptures after the fall is always associated with sin. The Lord Jesus want to cover you up not only spiritually but also physically. The Lord Jesus wants His children to know that they are royalty and a woman who is a child of God will behave as such. Ladies, cover your nakedness, glorify your God .