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Christ is our only hope

Self help books, motivational speakers have their place in life, but when it comes to the regeneration of the human race, they are helpless. Man is in need of help, but no amount of his own effort will lift them out of the pit of corruption which he has sunken. If you look at our society you can clearly see that people are getting worse. Our mental health is getting worse, our divorce rates are increasing, violent crimes are on the rise, homelessness is increasing across the land, specially in the west coast. Miseries of all types are on the increase and thinking men and women are perplexed as to the solutions of all these problems.

Throughout history, philosophers and thinking people have realized the human condition is dire and have sought different solutions to uplift humanity from its misery. Buddha believed if the human being will seek enlightenment, the world will be a better place. Plato, Socrates thought philosophy will uplift the human race. Karl Marx believed communism was the solution to the human problem. The founding fathers of the US believed capitalism, democracy with its slogan of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will lift man out of its downward spiral. These things appear to work for a moment, but soon decayed and disillusionment sets in and human efforts proved vain .

Human efforts while good in many earthly ways cannot uplift the human race from its downward spiral because it fail to address the root cause of the issue. Humanity's problem is not a lack of education, lack of money or lack of unity. Humanity's problem is  that we have been cut off from God, the source of strength and life. To be cut off from God is to be cut off from life and to be cut off from life is to sink lower, deeper into despair, misery and ruin. No human effort, no matter how noble can connect man back to God . God is infinitely high, infinitely pure and unless He reaches down to us and lift us up, we are hopeless.

When man sinned, we were cut off from God. In Adam we died spiritually. Spiritual death led to moral and physical death. God had said "in the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will surely die." On that very day Adam sinned, humanity died spiritually and the seed of moral and spiritual death were implanted in the soul. Corruption had begun and man was hopelessly lost. But God in His mercy gave up His only begotten Son to come down from heaven, to reach us in the pit of despair with His long arm of mercy, to wash us in His blood and to sit us up in heavenly places, to return us to our lost dominion. Christ is our only hope and without Jesus we are hopeless.

Jesus Christ is our only hope. The human race is in need of regeneration and only Christ can regenerate us. I am in need of recreation and only Jesus can recreate me. When I come to Jesus, accept Him as my personal Savior, accept Him as my only hope, then the Holy Spirit start doing the work of regeneration in my heart. When I realised without Jesus my case is hopeless, then I am becoming truly wise. Jesus Christ is my only hope. My case is indeed dire, but with Jesus I am more than a conqueror. By myself, I  am destined for destruction, but with Jesus I am destined to reign with Christ. Jesus is humanity's only hope, let us seek Him daily and abide in His love. Lord save me from my sins , my corruptions, for you are my only hope of restoration.


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