What is the problem with this world ? Lack of love. The hearts of many are cold from lack of love. From youth up many are not accustomed to love. Many parents while proclaiming to love their children never uttered words of love, kindness and appreciation to them. So many of us grew up with cold hearts. We are accustomed to words of criticism but when it comes to love we are deficient, bankrupt. As we get older we behave like our parents, showing no love because love is seen as a weakness. And when we come to the church and refuse to allow the Spirit of God to melt our hearts we become even worse than before. We act righteous but show no mercy. A loveless Christian is worse than an open sinner .
A good friend of mine once told me about a story he read from a book. A husband was planning on divorcing his wife š¤µš¾šš°š½. He went to a counselor or a friend, and the counselor told him to give her 30 days. He said during those 30 days, each day he should look for something good in his wife that he likes, something about her that he appreciates and at the end of the 30 days he can get the divorce he wanted. So the husband began to look for something he likes about his wife each day and I think he showed her appreciation for that one thing and at the end of the 30 days he told the counselor he doesn't want to divorce anymore, for he loves his wife ā¤.
After 30 days of looking for the good in his wife he fell in love with her again. This is the key to love. We all are imperfect, we all have flaws. If you make it your business to find the flaws in others you will never be able to love them, for you will find what you are looking for, you will find plenty of flaws. But if you make it your business to look for the good in others, you will find that even some of the people you think are unlovable have good things in them and can be loved. Adolf Hitler had a girlfriend who loved him and married him. Adolf Hitler, a mass murderer had plenty of people around him who loved him as a person. Anyone can be loved if we will look for the good in them.
Now I understand even clearer why God said love your enemies and even those who persecute you. When you start looking for the good in others, you will even start to have compassion and tender love for those who hate you and persecute you. You will get to understand they are misguided and are doing the things they are doing because they have their own pain and wounds in life and are just lashing out at you for their own deep pain. When you look for the good in others, you will try to a healing balm even to those who hate you, praying for them, asking for God to bring healing in their lives. Looking for good in others will grow love in your own heart .
Practice looking for the good in others. Before you criticize and condemn someone, ask yourself do I really know this person? Have I really invested love in them ? What do I like about this person ? As you start pondering about the things you like about them, your own heart will begin to soften. You may start to see things like her smile, she has a beautiful smile, he is very intellingent, she is very caring, he is very organized, he is a good musician, she is a good cook, he is always there for me. As you start thinking about the good things you like about the person, things will begin to shift, your mind will start open up to even more things you like about them .
And when you see good in others, practice telling them about it. We are quick to tell people the things we don't like about them, but very slow to tell them of the things we love about them. The world would be a different place if we spend more time looking for the good in others and telling them about it. The hearts of many would become warm if they were to hear words of appreciation from those who claim to love them. We shouldn't wait until someone is dead to show love and appreciation ,because then it means absolutely nothing to them .
Practice telling people how much you love and appreciate them. Practice speaking words of kindness and tenderness on a daily basis. Make the language of love familiar to your tongue. Words like I love you, I appreciate this about you , I love it when you do this etc.. Practice telling God what you love about Him, how much you appreciate Him etc..To worship God is to love God, to love God is to appreciate Him and telling Him how much it means to you. We are quick to be mad at God when things don't go our way, always coming to Him and asking for things, but rarely do we practice showing our affection to Him, show our gratitude to Him .
Begin today friends, begin to show love to those in your life. Start with God first, then your spouse. Tell your spouse how much you love him/her and why you appreciate them. Tell your family, a friend, a co worker how much you appreciate them and what they mean to you. Show love and you will become lovely, show appreciation and you will be appreciated. A sweet and tender word is able to revive a depressed soul. A sweet and tender word is able to water a desolate and dry heart. Practice makes perfect and the more we begin to practice love and loving words, the more lovely we will become and the more those around us will feel loved. Make your surroundings a little piece of heaven on earth, practice love and "be ye perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect. "