God declared through the prophet Samuel that , " rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols. So because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king." 1 Samuel 15:23. God said this in reference to King Saul š¤“š½, but this apply to all who will not obey the Word of the Lord and choose their own path in life. Anyone who continues to reject the Word of the Lord in any particular in their lives will soon find themselves rejected by God. Lucifer found that out the hard way .
Revelation 12:7,8. And there was war in heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not ; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. The Devil and his Angels lost their place in heave, but why š¤? Because they went to war against God ? But why š¤? Why would the Devil make war against His Creator and hope to win š¤? What kind of war was it ? Was it a physical war ? What was his aim ? What caused him to be so unhappy ? How could an angel lose his place in heaven when he was created to live there š¤? Friends, these are very important questions and I will attempt to bring some clarity.
God created Lucifer who became the Devil as a covering Cherub, a powerful order of angels. Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven. He stood in the presence of the great Creator and cover His throne with His wings. You can say Lucifer was God's prime minister, revealing His will to the other Angels and other worlds. But Lucifer found this position to be too little for his ambitions, he wanted a higher place in life, he coveted the position of Christ Himself, Lucifer wanted to be like God. He became disatisfied with hiss place, his lot in life. He left his place in the presence of God to spread disafection among the angels and stir up rebellion.
Lucifer convinced 1/3 of the angels that God was unjust, that their position in life was not fair and that they deserve a higher place. He convinced them that submission to the will of God was a restriction of their liberty and that true freedom rested in being independent from God and do whatever you think will make your life better. And so war broke out in heaven, not a physical war , for no one can physically fight against the Sovereign Lord. But a war of ideas, a war against God's Word, a war against obedience and submission and as a result Lucifer and his angels were cast out from heaven, from the presence of the Lord.
Lucifer and his angels lost their place in heaven! Was it because God was vengeful? No! They lost their place because they left their place of their own accord. Lucifer wasn't satisfied with God's appointed place for Him. He wanted a higher place, but the place he wanted was already occupied by God. So think about it! If you leave your place to get a place that is already occupied by someone stronger than you and you refuse to budge, refuse to submit to your place, you will end up out of place and kicked out. Lucifer refused to return to His place and as a result lost his place in heaven, for there was no where else to put him.
And so it with us. If we will not accept the spot appointed for us by God in this life, we will find no place for us. God is a God of order and He has established order in heaven and in the earth for the wellbeing of His creation. On the earth He has established governments to rule on His behalf. Those who rebel against government are in reality rebelling against God who has appointed the government. Rebelling against government can lead to severe consequences such as imprisonment and death. Losing your place in life . God has appointed leaders in the church. Better to pray for church leaders doing wrong than to rebel and trying to usurp their authority.
Like David, let us say "we will not touch the Lord's anointed when he had the opportunity to kill King Saul who was seeking to take his life." David submitted to God's will for his life and wouldn't do anything contrary to that will. God has appointed leadership in the home š”. Husband, wife, children. The husband is the head of the wife, both parents rule over the children. The wife is to submit to her husband, children submit to their parents . But in our society we have widespread rebellion. War in the homes. Women are not content with their place appointed by God and children are also in rebellion.
Our society teaches rebellion. Everyone is in revolt, everyone is seeking a higher place and as a result majority of people are depressed and unhappy. Many men refused to submit to Christ, they want to rule over their own lives, they usurp Christ's role in their lives. When a man refuse to submit to Christ, he will soon find no place in Christ. Many women refuse to submit to their husbands, they want to be independent, making their own decisions. As result many of these women find themselves without a husband, finding no place in marriage for them. For submission to God and His will is the only way to find a place in His love, protection and dwelling place .
Friends, "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. " To rebel against God's will is the same as worshipping devils, for you are following their example. To not submit to God's appointed authority in our lives is Devil worship, for we are following their examples and as a result we will find ourselves cast out of the will of God, the only place of safety and true joy. Friends, no matter difficult we may find the will of God to be, instead of rebelling let us pray for humble spirit, a spirit of submission. No matter how unjust the leaders in your life may be, pray for them and pray for yourself to have a humble spirit.
In the end, the message is this, let us all submit to God. Husband submit to Christ, wife submit to your husband, children submit to your parents, employees submit to your managers, church members submit to the leaders, citizens submit to the political leaders ,slaves submit to your masters . For in submission we develop a humble character that fits us for heaven. " For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." To rebel against God's will in your life is to follow Satan's example, it is to leave your appointed place in life and "no place will be found in heaven for you," for the rebellious will not enter God's dwelling place. Let our prayers be, Lord help me to be content with my place in life, help me to submit to your will completely šš¾