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Samson vanquished!

Samson the Hebrew, the chosen of God, the mighty man 💪🏾, the Nazarite, the 7 dreadlocks one, the great warrior, a judge of Israel, tormentor of the Philistines, the one man army 💂🏾‍♂️, the champion of Israel is vanquished not on the field of battle surrounded by thousands of strong warriors, but on a woman's lap, in a bedroom 😮! How is it that the strongest man who ever lived is vanquished on a woman's lap, in a bedroom ?  You would think such a man would have fallen in the midst of battle with " garment rolled in blood." But no. Today we will look at how Samson, the mighty man was vanquished

Samson was a man born with a mission. Chosen from the womb 🤰🏾by God Himself to begin the deliverance of the children of Israel from the Philistines. God gifted 🎁 him with great physical strength 💪🏾 to be used in his work of  delivering the people of God. God made a covenant with Samson. Judges 13:5, the angel of the Lord told Samson's mother," For behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son. And no razor shall come over his head, because the boy will be a Nazarite to God from the womb.." Samson was to live a life of consecration to God and as long as he abide in God, God would be his strength

The Lord was with Samson and in every battle he found himself, he overcame. Samson defeated a lion 🦁 with his bare hands 😮. " With the jawbone of a donkey," he killed a thousand men. Samson became a tormentor of the philistines, spreading death and destruction anytime he meets them in battle. The philistines did not know what to do, but they soon found out what to do. Samson, despite being the strongest man had a weakness. Guess what it was, women 🤦🏾‍♂️. Samson had a weakness for women, the Devil knew that and the philistines came to understand that. Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, the rulers of the philistines came to her and say we want to know what makes Samson so strong. 

They offered her a lot of money if she can find his secret . And she went about doing the work of uncovering Samson's secret. She nagged him continuously, kept on saying if you love me Samson, please tell me the secret to your great strength 💪🏾. Samson kept playing with her until her continuous nagging wore him down 😫 and he told her he was consecrated to God as a child, and no razor is to cut his hair, if his hair was to be cut, he would lose his strength . Nagging is no joke 😮! The strongest man who ever lived, who defeated thousands of men in battle was taking down by a nagging woman. The power of the nag is like a dagger to the heart 💔 🗡  Samson was vanquished. Delilah cut his hair 

Delilah put Samson sleep and while he slept, asked for a razor and cut his hair. Then she awake him and said Samson the philistines are upon you and Samson realized he had lost his strength. Behold, the mighty man of Israel is overcomed, vanquished by a nagging woman. His lust has lead to his ruin. Satan has gotten the victory. But what led to Samson's defeat? Self confidence led to his defeat. Samson trusted in himself, he trusted in his strength and not God while gifted him the strength.  Samson was a selfish young man, he used his great strength for himself and not for the glory of God.  As he became more selfish, he lost more and more of his hold on God and Satan was able to catch him.

What happened to Samson can happen to anyone of us. Whatever we have in life is a gift of God 🎁. Beauty, talents, wealth, health etc.. are all blessings of God, meant to be used for His glory, to lead others to know Him. But when we start to use God's gifts for selfish means, to satisfy our own desires, to fulfill our own expectations we will find ourselves slowly departing from God and the Devil will be sure to lead us further and further until we are fallen asleep on his lap of seduction and there he will have our hairs cut and enslave us. Samson loved women more than God and the Devil used a woman to seduce and overcome him. 

It wasn't Delilah who overcame Samson, but Satan working through Delilah. Samson thought he was dealing with a cute little woman, but behind that cute little lady was the ruler of this world, the prince of darkness. Samson thought he could play with Delilah, with sin and he was overcomed by the Devil. When we depart from the Lord, depart from prayer, the weakest things of the world will overcome us because behind the things of this world is a power greater than our feeble strength, the Devil himself. Samson trusted in his strength and was vanquished. When me and you lose our hold on God and trust in ourselves we will surely fall. 

This life is spiritual and our warfare are not against people but wicked and powerful spirits working from the invisible realm. Only way to win the battles of life is to keep hold of Christ day by day. You may resist temptation today,but unless you make Jesus you daily strength, Satan will wear you down with continual temptations just like he wore Samson down through Delilah's continual nagging. Friends, let us take heed less we fall, let us hide our weakness in Christ. Only in Christ we will have the strength and perseverance to resist the Devil. 

1 Corinthians 10:12

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.


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