The Bible says," the love of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10. Yet, if one was to walk around and ask most people do you love money ? The answer would be no. Especially in a Christian setting the response will definitely be no, but the reality shows different.
What does it mean for a person to love money or for a society to love money ? Does it mean you go around saying " I love money?"
America is a capitalistic society. What does it mean ?
A capitalist society is an economic system where private individuals and organizations own the means of production, and the market determines prices and distribution of goods.
The main characteristic of capitalism is the drive to make a profit.
America is all about making money.
Majority of people in America are all chasing after money.
When getting money is the goal of life, the society is corrupted, the individual is corrupted. This is what it means to love money ❤💵. Its for the acquisition of wealth to become your priority. When you wake up in the morning, the thing that moves or stress you is the money. The majority of your prayers are about money and its lack.
This is the love of money .
How does the pursuit of money corrupts everything else ?
When money becomes the goal of life, quality goes down.
Education becomes a for profit business and not about educating a person to go through life. Colleges become focused on acquiring as much students as possible and students go to school not because they care about education, but because they are looking for the career that will bring the most money.
Profit becomes the goal for everyone.
All about numbers. Healthcare becomes a profit driven business, not about the health of the person and so the medical field become more focused on pushing drugs on people and less focused on cures and prevention.
Even churches are impacted by such love of money. As the churches lose sight of their primary goal of preaching the gospel, they become focused on membership acquisitions. The quality of the gospel goes down as the tithes and offering increase .
Preaching truth alienate people and alienating people means less tithes and offering.
So the love of money corrupts the quality of the gospel. As the search for profit increase, the quality of everything decrease. Companies make products that don't last , service industries like healthcare make you come to many visits so they can milk out the insurance for something that could have been done on one visit.
As the love of money grab hold of the society, virtues collapse and societal cohesion diminishes.
Relationships are also impacted, as men and women become increasingly consumed by money, personal and internal development are neglected. People become professional in a career, but completely ignorant on how to develop or maintain interpersonal relationships. Marriages suffer, relationship between parents and children suffer as the parent no longer have time for the children or spouses no longer have time for each other.
As money becomes the true goal of life, everything else suffer. Religion suffers as people no longer care about their souls, but just making money .
The love of money, the pursuit of money as the highest goal of life reduces people to an animal state. Comfort, food, clothing and materialistic things become the highest goal of life at the neglect of spiritual, mental, emotional development.
The love of money enslaves.
There is a quote that says, " money is a good servant, but a terrible master." Do not let money be your driving force in life. Its okay to have money, live below your means, be content with the amount of money you have. Don't fall for the trap of always looking for more and more money so you can get more and more stuff which then will require you to need more and more money.
"Time is money." This is another saying in America that reveals our love of money. People only have time for money at the neglect of God, family, friends and personal growth.
Time is not money, but time is probationary time giving to us by God for us to choose whether we will serve Him or serve money.
If you want your life to be of a higher quality, do not let money dominate it. Let God and time for God be first, then time for family, humanity be part of your schedule. Let personal growth be more important to you than acquiring more pieces of paper.
For ," the love of money is the root of all evil."