Society will enslave you! Not that society does it on purpose. It's not like there is someone sitting behind a desk somewhere plotting to enslave the masses, its possible there are such people, but this not what I am speaking about here.
I am speaking about the nature of human society inevitably enslaves the masses.
How does society enslaves ?
Society is made up of a group of people. Human beings are social creatures. In order for human beings to live in harmony we create social norms. We come up together and define things. We say this is acceptable and this is not acceptable. Now there is nothing wrong with having norms that facilitate peace and harmony between people. The enslavement begin when society starts to define what life is about for people as a whole .
A society will teach young women what it means to be beautiful. They will say a truly beautiful woman is one who has a strechted out neck or one who has a narrow waist or a curved figure etc..And automatically any woman who doesn't fit into that picture feel worthless, inferior and as a result most will search for ways to look like the picture put forth by society as the standard of beauty. The woman who has the figure, who fit that picture feels arrogant, feels like they are superior to their peers.
Or a society will teach young men you are only a man if you fight in wars. You are only a man if you can seduce a lot of women. You are only a men if you have lots of money 💵, a fancy car etc.. Societies come up with all sorts of things by which to compare people with one another and make one feel more superior than another. Life becomes a struggle to impress other people at the expense of peace and mental health. As long as we are chasing the goals established by society for ourselves we will have inner struggles, even mental and spiritual struggles.
The way to break free from society is to first recognize that God made you unique. He gave you a certain body type for a reason and you are beautiful just the way He made you. You don't have to go pay thousands of dollars for a butt implant to be beautiful. Accept yoursel as God made you. You see the interesting thing is God promotes uniqueness while society is all about uniformity. Society wants everyone to look the same, behave the same while proclaiming to be different. Break free from society's conformity mindset.
Break free from society's bondage by not allowing society to be the one that determines success for you. As long there is no evil involved, success should be an individual thing. For you success may be having a big house 🏡, a wife and two kids. For another success could be living in a small cabin in the country somewhere. For another success could mean having a million dollar and yet for another it could mean just having enough for today. Don't let society define success for you by comparing you with others .
Success is really living in God's calling for you.
Abraham was rich, David was a King, Elijah the prophet was poor and John the Baptist lived in the wilderness. Yet all of these men were successful because all lived in the will of God for them.
Can you imagine the grief that would if John the Baptist was complaining to God about his poverty ? Not having a home, a spouse, beautiful clothing etc..? If he was comparing himself to Abraham and King Salomon? He would have been miserable because that wasn't God's calling for him .
Society enslaves us by making us believe success can only be found in chasing the same thing others are chasing. In the United States success is defined by chasing money. In some arab nations, success is defined by fighting in holy wars ( jihad ) and some cultures by the amount of women you have etc.. All of these things are nonsense. With the help of the Lord define your own path in life. Let success be a personal definition.
Society's definition of success are ever changing and so you don't have to follow them. You will find greater joy in following the path God set out for you than for the bundling together society is doing to us.
Set your own path, define your own success, break free