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The goal of life πŸ₯…

 If I was to ask you what is the goal of life, what would your response be πŸ€”? Some of you would probably say the goal of life is to reach your full potential, others would say it is  to travel the world, some would say it is to eat, drink and be merry. Others, the religious folks would say the goal of life is to " serve God." Some will say it is to find a good spouse πŸ‘°πŸΎπŸ€΅πŸΎwho will make you happy. Some will say it is to do all you can to escape pain and suffering. Others will say the goal of life is to accomplish all that you set your heart upon etc.. For different people, the goal of life is different. What is your goal of life ? 

I read about this football player 🏈 who said one of the worst moment of his life was the day after he finally achieved his life's goal and won the superbowl. He said he felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, of despair. And so it is for many of us. We have a goal in life, something we think will make us happy if we were to get it, but if and when we finally get it we realize its promises were deceitful and after a while if we don't go out and set up another goal we will soon find ourselves sinking in despair . That's why many people say the " its all about the journey and not the destination." The destination usually disappoints.

The destination usually disappoints πŸ›£. You see this beautiful girl πŸ‘±πŸΎ‍♀️ or this handsome man 🀡🏾 and you if I can only get with him/her I will be the happiest person in the world. And so you work hard, you pursue after her, you are excited when you around her, when she texts you back, when you speak to her on the phone, the journey to capture her is exciting, but as soon as you capture her and she is yours, many find themselves saying is this it ? Is this the reason why I put in all this energy. She is just like any other girls with only real difference being her looks and personality. Many find themselves depressed after capturing the object of desire and are then tempted to go after the next.

A life of conquest always disappoints, because life was never meant to be about conquest. The moment we conquer what we thought would bring us joy is the moment we find it to be empty. The goal of life πŸ₯… is not to do this and that but to love. To understand the purpose of a thing it is important to look at the Creator of the thing and to understand His motivation for making the thing. The Bible says God is love ❤. God is self sufficient meaning He has no needs. God doesn't need anyone or anything, He is complete in Himself. So the question is why did God create us πŸ€”? God created us to share His love with us. God created not out of necessity but out of love and because He loves .

Everything God creates is an expression of His infinite love. The angels, humans, the animals, the flowers of the field, the flowing rivers are all the expression of His love. God's goal in life ⚽️ πŸ₯… is to share His love with created beings. God is always at work for the uplifting of humanity, always at work to bring blessings and beauty to our lives, always at work to make our tommorow more beautiful than our yesterday if we will but allow Him. God's goal is to love and be loved by those He created when we understand that He is love and that the goal of life is about love .

Having now understand the goal of God in creating us, now easy for us to understand why we are so depressed, dissatisfied and miserable in life. It is because many of us have set up goals of life contrary to the Creator's designs. Nothing but a life of love will bring you true satisfaction and when a person loves and feels love they will find rest in life. The goal of life is to learn to love God supremely, to be filled by Him and then go and love others. A man will never satisfy you as long the goal is for you to be loved by him alone and not you seeking to love him. A woman will never satisfy you as long as your goal is for her to satisfy you and not seeking to love her. 

A life of love ❤ is a life fulfilled! A life of conquest is a restless life, you are always in search of a new thing or person to conquer while fearing yourself being conquered. A life of conquest is a life of fear. A life of love is a life of peace, beauty and joy. A life of conquest is show termed, thrill followed by despair, brokenness and rejection. A life of love is long term, follow by deep joy in seeing someone feel loved, appreciated and alived. A life of love is a life of beauty and delight. If you want to truly be fulfilled in life then seek to love, don't wait for others to love you, but seek to love others .

Love requires time ⌚. Seek to love by putting in time, by listening to others, by seeking to understand others. Understand who they really are and why they are the way that they are. Seek to love by accepting others for who they are.  The more you seek to love others, the more you will start to see their hidden beauty under the layer of brokenness, wounds and hardness. But before we can seek to love others, we must seek to love God first for it only in loving God first, spending time with God and seeking to understand His will I will have the strength to be patient, love others. As you start loving others, your whole being will start to transform into a loving person, life will make sense .

The goal of life is not the pursuit of material things, of pleasure etc.. the goal of life is to be like God and God is love.

Let us seek to love God first, let us seek to love others, to cherish them, to seek to understand them and to seek for their good and watch our lives be transformed from deapair to hope, from brokenness to wholeness, from a conqueror to a lover, from a wicked and selfish individual to loving and lovable Christian.

The goal of life is to love, let our prayers be Lord help to love you supremely and to love my neighbor as myself πŸ™πŸΎ


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