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A way that seems right to a man

A way that seems right to a man but the end is death. Proverbs 

( Many people) They cannot discern the hidden dangers or the fearful ending of the path that seems to them the way of happiness. - CG 21

The direction you are taking in life today may seem like it will you to happiness, but trust me if it a way contrary to God disaster will be the result.

A funny thing about us human beings is that we are ignorant , but think that we know. Its an amazing that the less we know the more stubborn we are and the more we refuse advice or corrections. Young children who know nothing can sometimes be very stubborn. Teenagers who barely know anything concerning life are rebellious and stubborn. Adults who have no knowledge or understanding and who are sometimes living disastrous lives will resist any attempt from someone else to tell them that it is their own way of life that have brought the disaster upon them . No wonder the Bible says " stubbornness is like Idolatry and sorcery."

We all desire what's good for our lives , but the problem is not every way of living leads to good ending. " There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end therefore is the way of death." A man may enjoy stealing from others, may enjoy the adrenalin that comes from sneaking into a house, taking what is not his and making back out again unoticed. He may be doing it for years, but he is nevertheless on a disastrous path, sooner or later disaster will reach him. He may get shot one day or the police may catch him one day and lock him up. If he escapes earthly justice and did not repent towards God, on that great day of jugment he will have to answer to God for transgressing the law .

King David saw a beautiful woman bathing 🚿 one night. He couldn't resist the sight of her, he sent messengers to bring her to him, the messengers warned David that she was the wife of one of his soldiers. David refused to listen, because all he saw was the pleasure  of taking that beautiful woman to bed πŸ‘±πŸΎ‍♀️. David never thought that sleeping with that woman just for a one night stand would bring him so much misery. David never thought he would lose four children as a result of one night of pleasure. All he saw was the pleasure to be gained but not the misery to follow, David refused to listen, took to bed the woman, had a great time and then disaster came to his house .

The woman got pregnant 🀰🏾😰. David tried to cover it up but it didn't work. David ended having the husband killed so he could hide his sin. One night of sinful pleasure lead to murder. One just never know the hidden dangers of going against the law of God. Then David took the woman as a wife πŸ‘°πŸΎ. Now he had to marry a woman he had no interest in marrying. How many people get into marriages they had no plans of getting in ? How many people have children that they had no plans for ? How many people end up dead early because they went down a path that seems sweet before but then end of it is death?

King David thought he could enjoy forbidden pleasures and not suffer the consequences, but the Lord declares " a man will reap what he sows." Me and you may escape the bad decisions we are making in life for a while, but in due time the harvest will come. We cannot escape the natural law of sowing and reaping and we definitely cannot escape the eyes of God and His retribution upon sinners.  Disasters came upon David's house. His daughter got raped by his son, because in some way you can argue David " raped Bathsheba," since David was an absolute monarch and Bathsheba may have felt she had no choice. Absalom,  David's son killed Amnon who raped the his sister. 

Absolom ended up rebelling against King David, had sex with His father's concubines in a public manner and ended up being killed in battle. One night of pleasure led to disater in David's family. And all this disaster came because David thought he knew better than God who tell us the way we should live. The ways of God are the ways of life but to transgress the law of God on any point will sooner or later leads to disaster, misery and ruin. Even though David had desired Bathsheba, had he listened to his servants who told him this is someone's wife, and refrained from sleeping with her, he would have spared himself much troubles.

The best way to live life is to be humble, to know that we are not wise enough to make decisions in life according to our own will. The more I learn, the more of my ignorance I see. The more I learn the more I see I cannot lead my own life. The height of wisdom is to realise I know nothing. For when I come to the point of recognizing my own ignorance then I am willing to listen to the One who knows. And who is the One who knows πŸ€”? God is the One who knows. God knows then end of every decision we make and God says my son, my daughter choose this way for it will lead to life but abstain from that way it will lead to death.

Not only are we to listen to God, but we have to listen to others who are older than us, who have more experience in life than us. When they say hey I wouldn't take this path in life if I  were you, this path leads to misery and ruin, listen. Listen to those who are younger than you who can see things that you can't see. Listen to the experience of others who have suffered from similar decisions. If King David 🀴🏿 suffered as a result of adultery, don't think you are better than him, smarter than him and you will somehow escape sufferings. Learn from his mistakes and choose the path of life. God said," you shall not commit adultery." This is the sure path, the path that leads to blessings .

Friends, let us examine our lives closely and see if we are currently on the path of life or death. Any life that is not dependent on Christ and not daily being guided by Him leads to misery sooner or later, if not misery in this life , it will be misery in the judgment to come. But any life that is daily being guided by the Spirit of God through constant prayer with God,  the reading of His word will lead to blessings, peace and life in this world and in the world to come. Friends, let stop trusting in our own foolish wisdom, but let us put our trust wholly in God and ask Him to guide our steps daily unto life eternal. Lord my prayer today is guide my every decision in life, amen πŸ™πŸΎ.


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