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Enchanted ground : the sinner is under Satan's spell

 There is a story in Greek mythology of Hercules, the greek hero, coming home to his wife and children. To his horror when he opened the door, he saw a little monster. He chased the monster, killed him, then he saw some other monsters, he went after them and killed them. As soon as Hercules had done killing them, his eyes were opened and he realized the monsters he killed were his wife and children. Herculus had been under a spell by the goddess Hera. Hercules was spiritually  blinded and those he thoughts to be his enemies were actually his family. Hercules was on the "Enchanted ground" and his actions proved disastrous. 

We are under a spell. Humanity is under a spell. Ever since our first mother Even stepped on Satan's "Enchanted ground" in the garden of Eden and ate of the forbidden fruit, the enemy of our souls has place a huge covering over our eyes and if it wasn't for God's intervention we would forever remain his captives to do his bidding. Praise be to God for putting enmity between us and the Devil. Ever wonder why you do the things you do ? Ever wonder why you have conflict with those you claim to love ? Why you hate other human being and yet we are one family ? Why a husband hate his wife ? Why a woman hate her children, why we hate one another ? It is because we are under the spell of Satan.

You want to do what's good, but you find yourself doing what's evil 🤦🏾‍♂️. You want to say what's sweet and kind, but you find yourself doing what is hateful and damaging 🤦🏾‍♂️. You want to do right but you end up doing wrong. Friends, we do these things because we are under the spell  of the Devil. Sin is not a natural thing, but a spiritual thing. The sinner is under the power of Satan, blinded by him into doing his will. Like Hercules in the myth, many of us see each other as monsters, as enemies and we go about destroying each other, not realizing we are destroying our friends and loved ones, someone who is a fellow creature of God, someone who may inherit the kingdom of God with us.

Sin is blinding! Sin is of the Devil and the Devil has blinded our eyes from seeing what is true and he is leading us into self destruction and the destruction of others. Have you ever done something and then think to yourself,  what have I done ? How could I have been so blinded, so foolish ? The truth is you were blinded, under a spell. The funny thing is it is easier to see the madness of others than our own madness. We look at the homosexual and say he has lost his mind, how can he not see his behavior is evil ? We look at the mass shooter and say he is insane? We look at the serial cheater and say something is wrong ,but it is hard for us to see our own blindness. Who shall deliver us ?

See the thing is friends, once you step into Satan's " Enchanted ground " you are in trouble. Satan's Enchanted ground is sin. Once you commit sin, you are in trouble, for Satan will put his blinding covering over your spiritual eyes and will take you captive at his will. He will guide you from one sin to the next, from one act of self destruction to the next. You may see it but you will not able to escape from it. Sometimes we hear people say " I don't know what got over me and caused me to do what I did." The truth is something did get over them, a more powerful mind, the mind of an evil angel and that angel overpowered our own will and drive us to do evil. Friends, sin is dangerous.

Understanding that we are under a spell, make praying to Jesus for deliverance more urgent. Understanding we are under a spell make having compassion on others even more urgent .  When people hurt you, remember they too are under a spell, when those close to you wound you, remember they too are under a spell and it is the Devil who is leading them to do what they do and unless we pray for them, have compassion upon them we may drive them further into arms of the wicked one.  Friends, we are under a spell, our friends, our families, co workers are under a spell. The more we sin against God, the deeper and more powerful Satan's spell over us. We need help, we need deliverance! Who shall deliver me from this spell ?

I thank God for Jesus Christ. For He alone can deliver me from this blinding spell of the Devil, He alone can set me free from Satan's delusive infatuation. But in order for me to remain free, I must flee from sin, I must flee from "Satan's Enchanted ground", from watching, listening or doing anything that will give the enemy an advantage over me. And as  Jesus starts to open my eyes, I must pray for others, for the Lord to break Satan's hold over them. When you understand that people are under Satan's spell, we will spend more time praying for them than cutting them off, we will spend time interceding for them.

As we are nearing the end of time we can clearly see that Satan's blinding spell over the human race is increasing. We are becoming more evil, more destructive towards each other. But God is calling us to flee from the enchanted ground, to flee from sin, to stay in prayer and to keep praying for others. Now I understand clearer why Jesus tell us to love our enemies and to pray for those who abuse us and despitefully use us. It is because they are blinded and being used by the Devil. But if I  show them love and pray for them, Christ will be revealed in me and they may break from Satan's spell. Let us pray earnestly for sight to see, for we are under Satan's blinding spell. Give me sight Lord  is my prayer 🙏🏾


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