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A cursed ground: life's difficulties are lessons for our spiritual maturity

 Things break down! We break down. "The second law of thermodynamics describes basic principles familiar to us." It is a universal law of decay. Everything ultimately falls apart and disintegrates over time. Everything appears to change eventually and chaos increases. Humanity is on a downward spiral, mental illnesses and difficulties of all types are increasing. Stress and anxiety are increasing and many are asking why doesn't God do anything? Does God care of what's happening with my life, whats happening in the world ? My life is full of difficulties and I am stressed out. Why so much difficulties 😣?

You buy a new car and motor is soon messed up. Buy a new house and soon there are leaks, mold etc.. and you have to fix things. You have relationship that are good one time and the next moment there is a break down in the relationship. You work out to be in shape but during the work out, a muscle is torn and now you at the hospital. Life seems like vanity, everything in life seems like a constant struggle, a constant attempt to stop the inevitable second law of thermodynamics, that everything disintegrates over time into chaos. No matter how healthy you are, sooner or later death will come and you will disintegrate. Life is difficult and the difficulties of life are lessons to help us mature .

After Adam and Eve had sinned, God cursed the ground for Adam's sake. God declare that from now on things will be difficult, work will be difficult. And then God established the second law of thermodynamics, when He declared to Adam in Genesis 3:19," dust thou art, and unto dust thou shall return." God established the law of decay, the law of dissolution.  From that moment on, everything in nature was subject to decay. Everything in the physical universe, including the sun, moon ,stars and the planet itself was subject to decay. Ever heard of climate change 🤔? That's the planet decaying. Decay is the norm in our universe. We build things up and unless we maintain them, decay will prevail.

God made things hard because we had made things hard for Him and God designed to teach us lessons in what it means to be like God. The human race is God's workmanship, God made us and designed us to live forever, but we rebelled against Him and choose decay and death. While God can do all things, He has chosen to limit Himself by giving us the power of free will. With our free will, we can choose to obey or disobey God. When man sinned, the human being who the scripture called, "temples of the Holy Spirit," became broken down. A leak was found in the house of God, decayed was set in the house of God. And at once God set about to restore His decayed building, workmanship.

Everything is easy for God, but the restoration of the human soul. Successive generations continue to choose sin and decay and as a result life on this earth has gotten harder, nature has gotten harder. Nature shows our dull senses what we are doing to God spiritually.  God can fix one of us today, cleans us from the sins that were  destroying us, and the next day we choose sin again. Then the Lord has to bring us back to His mechanic chamber and use the blood of Christ to clean us up again. It's a patient and persevering work for the Lord. The Lord has to maintain even the best Christian, so that he doesn't fall into sin, decay. But the Lord loves us, because we are His handy work. 

"God cursed the ground for our sakes." The physical things we deal with are a revelation of spiritual realities. The difficulties we face in this life are meant to help us develop the patience and the long suffering of God. When our houses break down, remember when you sin its like breaking down God's house. And what do you do when there is a leak in your home 🏡? You call people to come fix it. When there is a leak of sin in my heart, I need to call God to come fix it. The more you allow the leak to remain without fixing it, the more the decay in your home. The more you allow sin to leak in your heart, the more decay in your life ,the more difficult to fix you.

Each time you face a problem in life and it stresses you out, to some small degree you are experiencing the pain that God is experiencing when we choose sin. Remember Jesus was sweating great drops of blood in the garden of Gethsemane. He was under extreme stress because of the breakdown of His creation and the cost required to fix it. But He patiently went about fixing it in the strength of the Lord, and He is continually working to fix our brokenness each and everyday. Jesus gave us the model on how to deal with problems. We deal with problems by praying to God, asking Him for strength to endure the different difficulties that we face in life .
Problems in this life are inevitable, because sin has created a big problem for God. But the Lord is patiently working through the problem of sin and will soon put an end to all sins. When we face different challenges in life, let us patiently work through them like God, let us rely on God and He will soon give us the victory. God cursed the ground for our sakes, to teach us that sin leads to decay, spiritual, moral and physical decay. Just like we go to the mechanic to fix our car decays, let us go to God to fix our spiritual and moral decay and soon, very soon the Lord will fix the physical decay of our body and this universe and the second law of thermodynamics will be no more 🤗.


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