Are you a murderer is the question today ? Your response will be a quick no. How dare you ask such a question, I have never murdered anyone, and i would never do such a wicked act. I am a good person, I'm not perfect, I try my best.
But on close analysis you will see, I will see that we are guilty of murder and not the murder of anyone but the murder of the Son of God, Jesus Himself. It was sin that put Jesus up on that cross, my sins, your sins did it. To commit sin is to seek to murder God, sin is attempt to dethrone Him from your heart 💔
At some point in our lives, the question comes up, what shall I do with Jesus called the Christ? Matthew 27:22. Pilate asked the crowd that question, and the crowd responded crucify Him. Pilate say but Jesus is innocent, but the crowd say crucify Him
Pilate tried to save Jesus but the issue came up that if He saves Jesus, He will lose his job. Pilate had a decision to make, my job or Jesus 🤔? Pilate decided on crucifying Jesus to keep his job 😱. Pilate then wash his hands, claiming innocence
Pilate claimed to be innocent of Jesus' blood even as he hand Him over to be crucified. Pilate was guilty of the blood of Christ. And so are we friends. When we choose sin, we choose self, we choose things over Christ, we are guilty of murder ☠
Everyday all of us face the question, what shall I do with Jesus 🤔? Should I chose Him or my job? Should I choose Him or my sex drive ? Should I choose Him or my boyfriend/girlfriend? Should I choose Him or my anger, gossip, pride etc..Everyday we are choosing to choose or murder Christ 😱
Everyday the question is asked to you, to me. Choose Jesus or Barabbas? Barabbas represents Satan 😈. When we choose sin, we choose Satan, when we choose self, we choose Satan and we say crucify Christ 😱
In the judgment those who refused God's mercy of forgiveness will be found guilty of murder, murder of the Son of God😱 . Lord, I repent, Lord help me to choose you everyday, help me to do your will every day is my prayer 🙏🏾