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Abide in Christ

 There is no peace, no joy, no true goodness outside of Christ. Many are looking for these things from sex, drugs, alcohol, money etc.. but will not find it. These things bring more sorrows to our lives πŸ˜”

Jesus tells us to abide in His love ❤ and then we will bear fruit πŸ‡, fruit of the Spirit, love, peace ,joy. Only by remaining in Christ 's love do we develop these wonderful fruits  

And how do we abide in Christ's love ❤πŸ€”? By spending time with Him in prayer daily πŸ™πŸΎ. By reading the Bible daily, meditating on what you read and asking yourself how do these things apply to me πŸ€”? 

As I  abide in Christ daily, I will see clearer my evil character traits and then I will pray Lord, help me to be more like you, help me to be as loving as you, helping to be like you πŸ™πŸΎ. 

Then I will bear much fruit πŸ‡

In these last days as we are dealing with economic recessionπŸ’Έ, pandemic 😷, wars πŸ’‚πŸΎ‍♂️, mental health crises 😰 etc.., only those who abide in Christ's love will be at peace. For God says I will keep in perfect peace the person whose mind is stay on me. Abide in Christ πŸ™πŸΎ

John 15:1-8


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