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Picture of a Prophet

John the Baptist preparing the way of the Lord.
By Leonard Ravenhill

"The prophet in his day is fully accepted of God and totally rejected by men"
Years ago, Dr. Gregory Mantle was right when he said, "No man can be fully accepted until he is totally rejected." The prophet of the Lord is aware of both of these experiences. They are his "brand name."
      The group, challenged by the prophet because they are smug and comfortably insulated from a perishing world in their warm but untested theology, is not likely to vote him "Man of the year" when he refers to them as habituates of the synagogue of Satan!
      The prophet comes to set up that which is upset. His work is to call into line those who are out of line! He is unpopular because he opposes the popular in morality and spirituality. In a day of faceless politicians and voiceless preachers, there is not a more urgent national need than that we cry to God for a prophet! The function of the prophet, as Austin-Sparks once said, "has almost always been that of recovery."
      The prophet is God's detective seeking for a lost treasure. The degree of his effectiveness is determined by his measure of unpopularity. Compromise is not known to him.
      He has no price tags.
      He is totally "otherworldly."
      He is unquestionably controversial and unpardonably hostile.
      He marches to another drummer!
      He breathes the rarefied air of inspiration.
      He is a "seer" who comes to lead the blind.
      He lives in the heights of God and comes into the valley with a "thus saith the Lord."
      He shares some of the foreknowledge of God and so is aware of impending judgment.
      He lives in "splendid isolation."
      He is forthright and outright, but he claims no birthright.
      His message is "repent, be reconciled to God or else...!"
      His prophecies are parried.
      His truth brings torment, but his voice is never void.
      He is the villain of today and the hero of tomorrow.
      He is excommunicated while alive and exalted when dead!
      He is dishonored with epithets when breathing and honored with epitaphs when dead.
      He is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, but few "make the grade" in his class.
      He is friendless while living and famous when dead.
      He is against the establishment in ministry; then he is established as a saint by posterity.
      He eats daily the bread of affliction while he ministers, but he feeds the Bread of
       Life to those who listen.
      He walks before men for days but has walked before God for years.
      He is a scourge to the nation before he is scourged by the nation.
      He announces, pronounces, and denounces!
      He has a heart like a volcano and his words are as fire.
      He talks to men about God.
      He carries the lamp of truth amongst heretics while he is lampooned by men.
      He faces God before he faces men, but he is self-effacing.
      He hides with God in the secret place, but he has nothing to hide in the marketplace.
      He is naturally sensitive but supernaturally spiritual.
      He has passion, purpose and pugnacity.
      He is ordained of God but disdained by men.
Let him be as plain as John the Baptist.
      Let him for a season be a voice crying in the wilderness of modern theology and
       stagnant "churchianity."
      Let him be as selfless as Paul the apostle.
      Let him, too, say and live, "This ONE thing I do."
      Let him reject ecclesiastical favors.
      Let him be self-abasing, nonself-seeking, nonself-projecting, nonself- righteous,
       nonself-glorying, nonself-promoting.
      Let him say nothing that will draw men to himself but only that which will move
       men to God.
      Let him come daily from the throne room of a holy God, the place where he has
       received the order of the day.
      Let him, under God, unstop the ears of the millions who are deaf through the
       clatter of shekels milked from this hour of material mesmerism.
      Let him cry with a voice this century has not heard because he has seen a vision
       no man in this century has seen. God send us this Moses to lead us from the
       wilderness of crass materialism, where the rattlesnakes of lust bite us and where
       enlightened men, totally blind spiritually, lead us to an ever-nearing Armageddon.


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