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Evolution : The faith of atheism

Man is a religious being. Whether or not he accepts a supreme being as the ultimate arbiter of truth, he will put his faith in someone or something. Here comes the theory of evolution to provide the atheist/agnostic that which was lacking.

Evolution, the myth that all living creatures share a common ancestor, is taken by the atheist and agnostic as gospel truth. The atheist ignore the fact that evolution cannot be proven. He claims that this theory has enlightened humanity while the scripture have brought ignorance and superstition. He also claims that man has evolved from the brainwashing of ignorant men of the past. What the atheist is blind to is the fact that he is suffering from the same brainwashing that he accuses others of. For as in the past, the Priests of Religion were preaching to the masses, and now it is the priests of evolution that are preaching the masses.

Not too long ago the church was the center of learning, now the university is the cathedral of the modern man. He has advanced technologically but is still a sheep-like being, following the spirit of the age. In the past, the spirit of the age was to be a religious man, but now the fad is the scientific minded man. To speak out  against organized religion was an act punishable by death, but now to speak out against Scientism is career suicide for one holding a certain position. So by now, you may be wondering how evolution is a faith when the scientists have been preaching for years that it is a fact? What most people may be unaware of is that all religious teachings claim that their belief is fact and evolution is no different in that case. So let's get right into it.

A man named Darwin went to an expedition and there he wrote down his revelation regarding the origin of species, a bible so-to-speak of the evolutionist movement. After he came back from his trip of enlightenment, he went out to preach his discoveries to others and gained disciples. His disciples went on to spread the new teaching to the public through the medium of universities (congregation of students) thus the beginning of a global faith movement. It is a faith movement because just like the claims of religions, the claims of evolution cannot be proven. No human being was there to see the first cells transformation in the primordial ocean, no human being was there to see how the animals came from the ocean to  become land creatures, the monkey evolving over millions of years into a Homo sapiens and so forth. No one was there to see how speech originated. So all of these claims are all simply in the Darwinian Priest imagination of how things may have come into being. But like most true believer of any faith system, the devotee of evolution will see in nature the evidences for his belief, and currently have a monopoly on true science which is done through observation and testing of hypothesis.

Darwinian faith has gained more exposures than other faith based belief.

What is faith you may ask? Well faith is the belief in things have not seen. And we have already established that no one has ever seen the process of macro evolution, therefore to believe in such thing is only done by faith. And like Hitler say, if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it as true-it is exactly what has happened in western society! The lies of evolution have been repeated so much by so called wise men (the preachers of evolution, also called the college professors) that the gullible mind has taken it uncritically as truth.

In their mind, the followers of evolution think that there is no way honorable scientists would be capable of promulgating such a myth as evolution. The student ignores the fact that like any priestly hierarchy, the preacher will always follow the dictates of his institution's belief.
When asking the typical follower of Darwinism questions such as: why does he believe evolution is true? he will most likely reply that it is true because the evidence shows it is; then if you ask "how do you know the evidences are true or really mean what they say they are?", this reply will always be religious in nature, because the Priest a.k.a. the scientist says it is. No different than average church goer.

And the last point is that the atheist claim that believing in evolution does not have any eternal implication because it is not asking one to believe in any god, heaven or hell. But my friends, believing in evolution has everything to do with eternal things. For we already establish that the teaching  of evolution is a religious teaching masquerading as science. Since evolution by default imply that there is no personal god, if there is one at all it is making eternal claims. It is making eternal claims because it is saying that we came from nothing and will go back into nothing, but like all the other faith based systems in the world none of them can be true but all of them can't be right.

So if one chooses to follow the prophets of Darwinism and it turns out that Christianity is true, then one has made an eternal decision. So, yes! evolution is a faith-based system. It is having faith in the teaching of the 19th century Prophet Darwin and his disciples.


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