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The tragic effects of sin : fish out of water 🐳

 God is a lover of beauty. He creates different kinds of beings to display different aspects of His love, different types of beauty. He made the fishes 🐳 for the water , birds for the air, human beings for the earth and angels  for heaven. Each set of creation are guided by different set of rules all tie in to the great law of love. A fish is beautiful in its habitat in the ocean. A bird is beautiful to behold flying through the air.  The eagle cannot survive for long under water because it wasn't made for the water, neither can the fish survive for long on dry land because it wasn't made for the dry land.

Imagine one day, a whale 🐳 decides I have been living in this ocean for too long. The world is a big place 🌍, why does God only allow me to swim in the ocean and restrict my freedom? I believe I can have a more fulfilling life on land. I believe I can reach my full potential by being able to go through land and do what I please. This Ocean is a restriction to my freedom, to my liberty. After much deliberation, the whale decides to leave the Ocean and start making its way on land 🐳. Imagine you standing somewhere along the beach and see the whale swimming out of the Ocean 😮. What would you think ? 

Seeing the whale hopping out of the ocean in great difficulty would have you concerned. You would think something is wrong with the  whale.Let's say you were able to speak to the whale 🐳 and say " whale,  are you okay ? What are you doing ? Why are you leaving the bounds of the ocean?"  And the whale responded " I want to be free, I am tired of the restrictions of God, I am tired of the laws of God that restricts me to the ocean, I want to enjoy more of life, I want to go on land." As the whale is speaking to you and moving further in land you can see its having difficulty breathing, life is becoming more difficult for him and you can its in great danger of dying.

Out of great concern you say Mr/Ms Whale, you are dying, you are going the wrong way in life. God did not make you for land, He made you for the ocean, that's where you are most beautiful, that's where you reach you full potential, that's where you will find meaning of life, but land is not for you. If you continue on the path you are going to die, matter of fact you are dying already, you are starting to have mental issues because you are not getting proper oxygen, you are starting to have all types of issues because you are transgressing the laws of God, the laws of life . Return to the bounds of the Ocean and you will live ! What will the whale do 🐳 ??

Friends, the whale is us. God made us in His image and set bounds ( laws) on how we should live. The laws are not meant to restrict our freedom but to help us fulfill God's design for us. But many of us think God's laws are restrictive to our happiness and like the whale  in the story we leave the ocean of His love to go into grounds He has not approved. As a result many of find life being sucked out of us  and yet we refuse to return to God. We hear the preacher say you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't go down the path you are going, we reject the preacher as a fanatic and continue to seek joy in a way forbidden by God. 

We are suffering from depression, from anxiety, from brokenness, from emptiness, from loneliness, from all sorts of issues as a result of leaving the bounds of God's law of life and yet we refuse to return. The further the whale go from the ocean, the nearer to death it is, the more difficult  its life. The further we go from God, the nearer to eternal death we are and the more difficult our lives. Now imagine the whale 🐳🛷 find someone who provides him with wheels to go smoother on land, or even provide him with some oxygen tank to breath ? Wow, what a good thing ! I tell you unless the whale uses these things to return to the Ocean, it will die.

And so many of us in our sins will seek " wheels ⛷" to make the ride smoother. The wheels can be looking for someone that will support you in your sins, it could be using condoms while committing sexual sins so that you don't get pregnant 🤰🏽 or catch some STD, the wheels could listening to motivational speakers so you can raise your self esteem, the wheels can even be going to therapy to help you deal with the mental decay coming as a result of the type of life you been living, the wheels and oxygen can even be going to church and participating in church services so you can feel like you are not a bad person, but I tell you unless you return to the ocean, unless you return to God you will die.

God's laws are for our good. It is within the bounds of God's law we get to truly enjoy life. 

Examples: the sabbath( friday sunset to Saturday sunset ) give you rest from work, a mental break from the week, mental health care. Not committing adultery protects your marriage and family. Not coveting other people's things keeps you content with what you have. Not lying keeps you with a clear conscience and make people trust you. Not committing murder keeps you free. Having not other gods before the Lord keep you spiritually free. The law of God keeps you free and at peace with God. 

Seeing a fish struggling to breath out of water is a sad sight to see because you know it will die unless it is put back. Many around us are dying out the water of God love and are refusing to be put into the water of His love.

Friends, the best place for you to be is within the bounds God has set for us, within the limits of His. Satan will come and say life is better on the ground, life is better if you break God's law, but to break God's law is to self destruct, to break God's law is to be like the whale out of water and die a slow agonizing death. There's no need to die such a death while Jesus is near and willing to carry you back into the vast ocean of His love.  Will you allow Him ? 


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