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Seeking for prosperity as the end creeps upon us

 I need a spouse as soon as possible. A spouse will complete my life, a spouse will make me whole. I need money, lots of it. My life is miserable because I have no money, I have to do whatever it takes to get money, to provide safety and security for myself .  The more money I have, the more leisure time I will have. Speaking of leisure time, I need to start planning my vacation for the next two years ⛱. Life is short, I need to enjoy it, have a grand time, I only have one life to live. Speaking of one life to live, I need to plan something fun for this weekend, what am I going to do for fun 🤔? 

" As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking,  marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." ( Matthew 24: 37 - 39). 

Friends, we are here. As the end is creeping up upon us day by day life has become a great round of amusement. Pleasure seeking is at its highest .

As the end is creeeping up upon us, the vast majority of people in the church 💒 and in the world are mostly concerned with who they are going to marry 👰🏾, what career makes the most money they want to have, how can they make money. People are concerned how can we entertain people at our churches? Where are we going to eat and drink this week ? People are only concerned about being prosperous in this life as the end of time is approaching greatly and are oblivious to its nearness .

All around us the signs of the coming of the Son of Man are increasing, but the masses are oblivious. We rencently had a worldwide pendemic 😷, but many people couldn't wait for the pendemic to be over so they can go back to " life as normal." A major war has broken out of Europe between Russia and Ukraine as soon as the US and Its allies were defeated in Afganistan, but many are oblivious and there have always been wars. War is again being unleashed in the middle east with the potential for a major escalation, but many say " these people are always fighting, so no issues." Mass shootings are a common occurrence in the United States, but many brush it off and say, " as long as I am safe."

Inflation and economic uncertainties are on the horizon, but many people say " we always had economic difficulties, boom and bust. " We have major threat of political chaos on the horizon, we had January 6 when Former President Trump's supporters breached the hall of congress 🏛 to prevent the certification of the 2020 election, something we usually see in third world countries but never in the United States of America, but many brush it off and say " these were just crazy Trump people." We have potential for violence in the 2024  and even threats of civil war in the near future, but many are unconcerned with these signs, they are living their best life and looking for a future of prosperity.

Many churches are preaching peace and safety as chaos is raging all around us. Chaos internationally with wars and rumors of wars. Chaos nationally with mass shootings, inflation, political instability. Chaos in the family with increasing divorce rates, homosexuality, out of wedlock births 🤱🏽, single motherhood, deadbeat fathers etc.. Chaos internally,  choas in the mind, increasing mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, split personality and general mental instabilities, but many are looking for a better future of prosperity and saying "peace peace and there is no peace." Many are continuing to live a life of sin and are oblivious that the end is here, the days of Noah are here.

Friends, the end is upon us! While we must work, get married if its God's calling for you, eat and drink, enjoy life etc..We must not allow any of these things to become the priority in our lives. To allow earthly things to become the priority of your life will blind you 🙈 to spiritual realities. If you allow earthly things to blind you then you will be oblivious to the time we are living in, the time of the end, the time of final preparation for the coming of the Son of God. The end is upon us and it is time for us to get ready to meet the Lord in peace. How do we get ready ? 

How do I get ready to meet Jesus in peace? I get ready to meet Jesus in peace by going to God in prayer and confessing all my sins, be detailed with God. I get ready by asking God to give me true repentance.  I get ready by asking God to fill me with the Holy Spirit to enlighting my mind so I can understand divine things , to open my eyes so I can see 🧐 spiritual realities, to recreate in me a new heart, a new mind and to empower to spread the gospel like Noah did. I get ready by asking God for the power to forsake the things of this world and to cleave to Jesus alone. I get ready by crucifying with the help of God all things that are evil in my life. 

Friends, the end is here. Let us enter into the Ark of safety 🚢, let us enter into true fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Two weeks ago Hamas gunmen killed 1400 people in Israel, last night a gunman killed at least 16 people were gunned down in Maine, these things are only the beginning as the Holy Spirit is withdrawing God's restraint on Satan and wicked men because of people's rejection of God. Evil is going to increase, calamity is going to increase but those who hide in an intimate relationship with Christ will be in perfect peace and will see these things as signs of the approach of Son of Man. Let us seek the Lord and get ready for His second coming 🙏🏾


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