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God is consistent in His dealings!

 God is consistent in His dealings with us! God can be trusted! When carefully studying the actions of God you will see that God can be relied upon. In this life we deal with lots of inconsistencies. Our work change, our neighbors move, our friendship get better or worse, we never know what tomorrow will bring, but the Lord is always the same day in and day out. Consistency builds trust and you can always trust in God, for God is consistent. 

God is consistent in His dealings with the disobedient. God annointed Lucifer as the covering Cherub, the highest angel in heaven, the highest created being in the universe. God blessed Him with countless gifts 🎁 and honored him above all other creations. But Lucifer became proud of himself, he refused to serve God, he refused to fulfill the work God had appounted Him and wanted to be God Himself. He rebelled against the Lord and the Lord cast him out of heaven, created the human race to replace the devil and his angels.

A second example of God's dealings with the disobedient is king Saul 🤴🏼. God annointed Saul as king over Israel and gave Him the Holy Spirit as his counselor, the prophet Samuel as his human guide. King Saul began well ,but soon he became proud and desired to act independent of God. He disobeyed God's explicit commands, he rebelled against God. The Bible call "rebellion as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as idolatry." Saul like Lucifer/Satan rejected the Word of God,  rejected their annointing and the Lord rejected Saul as King. The Lord replaced Saul with the sheperd boy, King David.

A third example of God's consistent dealings with the disobedient is the nation of Israel. God called Israel out of the house of bondage, the house of Egypt. He annointed them as a Holy priesthood to Himself, He annointed them to be a light unto the nations. But Israel failed to live up to their high calling, Israel consistently rebelled against God. The Lord pleaded with them, the Lord sent prophets after prophets to warn them, but Israel would not repent. Finally the Lord sent His greatest messenger to them, His only begotten Son. What did Israel do to God's only Son 🤔? They crucified Him 😥. What would be God's response to such persistent disobedience? 

God is consistent! What did God do to Israel after persistent rebellion 🤔? Israel rejected the Annointed of the Lord,  Jesus Christ Himself and the Lord rejected Israel as His people. The Lord then went to the gentiles to replace Israel as His annointed people on earth, His Holy priesthood,  His royal nation. The Christian church became exalted because they obeyed the Word of God and walked in His light, but Israel as nation was cast out into outer darkness, as dry branch from the True Vine. 

What's the lesson here ? God is consistent! God never changes. God's dealing with angels, with nations, with individuals is the same. God is no respecter of persons. God's dealing with us is like this. God calls me and you to Himself, He annoints us for a special work. Each one of us are annointed for specific works. Lucifer was the annointed cherub, Saul was annointed King and the house of Israel was a holy priesthood. God may anoint you as a preacher, me as a musician, others as medical missionaries, mechanics etc.. to spread His Word,  His love to others. God even anoint nations for specific works. 

But when we rebel against God, refuse His calling in our life or seek to act independent of His restraint, the Lord will first send us warnings to cause us to repent, but if we refuse the warnings of the Lord,  He will surely cast me off and replace me with someone who is willing to walk in His way. The lesson here is God loves me, but I am not irreplaceable 😮. God doesn't need me to move forward His work. It doesn't matter who I am, whether a covering cherub (angel), a king ( Saul) or a whole nation( Israel), I can be replaced or will be replaced if I refuse to obey God and walk in His way . The work of God will go forward whether or not I serve.

Many times as Christians, because we are so few, we are fearful of losing people, so we tolerate sins among us . "God has not giving us a spirit of fear ." God is not afraid of losing people. God want obedient people in His kingdom, not a mass of disobedient and rebellious folks. Friends, we need to learn that we are not indispensable to God. The same God who has called you for a specific mission will reject and replace you if you persistently rebelled. It is when i start to think  I am indispensable to the work of God that I am in danger of falling into pride. The work of God will go forward with me or without me. God will find someone who is willing to do His work. 

God is consistent! God never changes! Work with God, He will work with you, He will exalt you. Disobey God, seeks to do your own will, serve yourself,  think you are irreplaceable and the Lord will cast you off and replace you with other humble laborers . In Esther chapter 4:14 ," Mordecai tell Queen Esther,  if you hold your peace at this time , relief and deliverance  for the Jews will arise from ankther place,  but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows if perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" 

Here it is, God is consistent, God doesn't change. God call me for a work, I have a choice to obey or disobey. Obedience will bring His blessings, disobedience will lead to our replacement. 

Friends, let us worry no more about the amount of people we have in our churches etc.. let us make sure we are being obedient to God's will and are cooperating with Him for the saving of souls. Let us encourage one another in the way of God, but let us never force anyone to do God's work. God is doing a great work of replacing the fallen angels with humanity, He calls each and everyone of us to work with Him,  to cooperate with Him. He call us and anoints us with His Holy Spirit.  Those who continue to walk humbly with Him , He will exalt and enlarge, but those who rebel He will cut off and replace. God is consistent with us and He wants us to be consistent with Him. Lord keep me 🙏🏾


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