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For better or worse

 God is immutable and we are mutable. Immutable means unchanging over time or unable to be changed. God is unchanging! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God doesn't change, there is not even a shadow of changing with Him. It is impossible for God to change since He is eternal, infinite in wisdom. God knows all things. Change imply learning new things, new information. God doesn't learn anything new, God knows all things, created all things and rule over all things. God is immutable!

All created beings are mutable! All created beings from the highest angel to lowest insect change. For the simple fact that all created beings are finite. Meaning they don't know everything, it is impossible for a created being to know everything. All created being are learning and are changing as they learn. Because change is a reality for a created being, for us, there exist then two simple choices 😬. We are either changing for the better or for the worse. All around us we are seeing people change for the better or for worse .

How do we change 🤔? We change by what we behold, by what we look at. We change for the better by beholding Jesus who is infinite in goodness, love, mercy etc.. We change for the worse by looking towards self wich is broken, corrupt and filthy. Lucifer found out the hard way that he wasn't like God. He thought he could be better by becoming his own god, so he turned away from Christ the light of truth and look to himself, a finite being. He thought he was wiser than god so he changed. A once perfect being changed into a devil. And even as he was changing into evil, he refused to repent because he thought he could change himself for the better by depending upon himself.

And so it is that daily people around us are changing for the better or for the worse. Those who are looking to Jesus daily, meditating on His matchless love, His beauty of character, his compassion, his patience, his sacrifice are being changed into His image. We are slowly but surely becoming more loving, more compassionate, more patient and sacrificial. The more we look at Christ, the more we see His beauty, the more reveal our own ugliness is revealed and the more we cry Lord change me to your image, help me to be like you in character. 

The more we behold Christ the better we become. The angels of heaven keep their eyes upon Jesus and they are becoming more perfect every day, more lovely every day. 

We become worse by looking to self. We are broken creatures living in a broken and corrupt world. To look to ourselves to get better is to become worse. To look to other creatures to become better is to become worse. The angels who fell with Satan became devils when they look to a created being (Lucifer) and turned away from Jesus the Creator. They followee the example of Satan and they became corrupt as he. Created beings unless they are beholding to Jesus are liable to make errors and lead you astray .

People all around us are becoming worse because they will look up to everyone else but Christ the unchanging One. They will look up to Hollywood celebrities who are corrupt, they will follow "Instagram influencers," they will look up to crooked and corrupt politicians who change with the wind, they will look up to proud and arrogant athletes, lawless musicians, corrupt millionaires and deceptive religious leaders. They will look up to the broken self for direction and find themselves sinking lower and lower into the pit of moral corruption and degradation. Yet they will not come to Jesus that He may uplift them .

And the reason many of us will not come to Jesus even as we can see ourselves getting worse and worse is because like the Devil we believe we have sufficient wisdom to fix ourselves. We believe sooner or later we will get it right, fix ourselves and then come to Jesus. Friends, if that is your mindset you will continue to get worse and worse because no created being once fallen from God is able to fix itself. We do not have the wisdom or understanding of who we are and what God made. To attempt to fix yourself is like a child 👼🏽 attempting to fix a spaceship.  The best you will do is make things worse. 

The worse we become, the more corrupt our minds get and the more corrupt our solutions to fix ourselves become. When David committed sin with Bathsheba and she became pregnant 🤰🏾, he fell from God, his thinking became corrupt and his solution to get himself out of the situation was to commit murder, to kill her husband. When Satan rebelled against God and got himself kicked out of heaven, his solution to rescue himself was to cause humanity to fall into sin, thinking with corrupt reasoning that if God was to rescue the human race, God would have to rescue him also. This is what happens when we sin against God, corruption. 

To sin against God is to choose corruption and we add to that corruption by trying to fix ourselves with corrupt thinking. That's why many women get abortion when they get pregnant 🤰🏾, they try to fix themselves by committing murder. Sin leads to further corrupt thinking . The more we prolong in sin, the worse we become and the worse our thinking become.  Have you ever wondered why Satan is fighting God still 🤔? The more he fights God, the more corrupt his thinking gets and the more corrupt his thinking gets, the more he believes he can defeat God and the greater his punishment will be . It is a vicious cycle, and we follow the devil by remaining in sin, fighting against God.

So friends, how do we change for the better ? We change for the better by going to Jesus today, knowing that our thinking, our whole being is corrupted and we cannot change ourselves, we cannot make ourselves better. Let us go to Jesus and say Lord save me for I perish. Lord transform my mind, my heart and help to see things as you see things. Lord, purify my eyes, purify my ways. Friends, we are either getting better or worse day by day. We get better by looking at Jesus day by day, by bringing everything in prayer moment by moment. We get worse by neglecting Jesus, looking toward self for solutions, relying on our corrupt thinking to guide us right. Let us come to Jesus daily, let us repent from our sins,  our folly and stubbornness and let us keep our eyes upon Jesus and His perfection and will be better each and every single day until the perfect day .


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