Are you looking for love ❤😊? Do you want some one to love you as you are ? Do you want to experience true love, love that touches your inner most being 🤔? If you are looking for such love, you must first be loving. Love awakens love
If you want to be love, you must be active in promoting love . People imitate what they see and people respond similarly to the way they are treated. Treat someone with patience and even if it's hard, they will try to emulate, treat someone with kindness and over time they will respond with some kindness, love awakens love ❤.
The golden rule says treat others the way you want to be treated. I would say the way you treat others is how they will treat you. Be rude to your neighbor and he will be rude to you. Be nasty to your children and soon they will be nasty to you. People are influenced by our behaviors
The problem we have as humanity is we tell people listen to what I say but dont follow my example, when truth is people will follow our examples more than our words. So whatever you are looking for in life, you must first practice it. Like the Apostle Paul said, be imitators of me as I imitate Christ
So friends, if you want others to love you, learn to love them first. If you want others to understand you, learn to understand them first, if you want others to listen to you 👂🏾, learn to listen to them first. If you want others to be patient, caring to you , learn to be like that with them first .
Love awakens love ❤ and in order to truly love others, you must love God first, for only as I abide in God's love, I will have the strength, the patience, the compassion to love others, to treat others as I want to be treated. Love awakens love, let us then allow God's love to awaken love in our hearts first 😊❤🙏🏾
Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise