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Good and evil: the power of self destruction


Many are quick to say God gave us choices, but the truth is they don't understand the nature of the choices that God gave us. God made us, none of us asked to be made, so God in His love gave us a choice. He placed a tree in the garden called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil 🌳 and say dont eat from that tree, on the day you eat from it you will surely die 💀. What choice did He really gave us 🤔? God in His love gave us the choice of self destruction 😱. Why ? What do you mean ? Since we didn't asked God to be made, God in His love gave us the choice to live with Him forever or if we dont love Him to choose self destruction,  to die forever. This is the nature of our choices.

After Adam and Eve ate from the tree 🍎, the process of death started. But it is a slow process. Sin is self destructive and every time we choose to sin, we destroy in ourselves the capacity to recognize sin which then make it easier for us to commit more sins. Now sin is enjoyable because sin is simply a corruption of good things created by God.  Because sin is a corruption of a good thing, you will find pleasure in sin even as you are in reality destroying yourself and the Devil will help you in the process of self destruction by tempting you to commit more sins and helping you justify yourself when someone reproves you.

I read an article the other day about Shaquille O'Neal ⛹🏿‍♂️, the former basketball player. He was speaking about the recent cheating scandals of a basketball coach, Nia Long's fiancé Ime Udoka with a woman staffer in his team, and the other scandal involving Adam Lavine, the musician. Shaquille O'Neal said he had nothing to say on the matter because he himself had been a serial cheater, that he was good at it but eventually his cheating "destroyed his marriage"🤵🏾💔👰🏽 and that's key part we want to focus on, his cheating "destroyed" his marriage. He said his biggest regret is losing his family, his family meant more to him than all the money, fame etc.. but he is the one who robbed himself 

This what sin does, it robs you of all good things. Shaquille O'Neal probably thought he was wise, he couldn't get caught, that he was having the time of his life when he was cheating on his wife 👰🏽, but the truth is with each act of sin, he was destroying his ability to love his wife, with each act of sin his heart 💔 was becoming colder, with each act of sin he was becoming more selfish, with each act of sin his resolve was weakening ,with each act of sin it was becoming easier for him to cheat again, harder for him to stay faithful and eventually his sin caught up to him and his wife left him, his family became a broken family. No amount of money and fame can heal a broken heart 💔

Choosing to sin, is choosing a slow path towards self destruction and as you go down the path of self destruction you take others down with you. No one is saved alone, we all influence others on the way to heaven and no is destroyed alone, we all influence others on the way to eternal destruction 🔥. Aren't loneliness, mental illness reaching epidemic heights in the US 🤔? People are losing their capacity to love because of rampant sin. Many of us in choosing a life of sin end up separating from those who love us, those who give us right counsels. Sin is destructive, it first destroy your relationship with God, then it destroy your relationship with other people. 

When you are living a life of sin, you find it hard to be friends with those who are trying to tell you to live right, those who truly love you, who sees you are on the path of self destruction and are warning you. And when you reject the influence of good friends, all you end up with are evil friends who are encouraging down the path of evil and these evil friends are selfish themselves and soon you find yourself very lonely, unable to trust anyone and your mental illness increases. When you reject the God who loves you, reject loving friends and family members whom He has put in your life for the sake of evil, you end up being a wretch, miserable, lonely and depressed.

So, why did Shaquille O'Neal lose his family 💔? He committed sin. God said thou shalt not commit adultery but Shaquille thought God was only preventing him from having a good time, Shaq thought he was wiser than God, so he went and commit adultery and only when it was too late realized that God's law is not a law of restrictions but the law of life, liberty and happiness.  And only too late he realized that sin, transgression of God's law leads to misery, destruction and unless repented of , in the end eternal death. Friends, the wages of sin is death, death to relationships, death to peace, death to happiness and eternal death at the end, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus

So what choices does God give us 🌳? The choices are life and death, good and evil. You choose to sin against God and your life will fill with misery, depression, loneliness, all manner of evils as you self destruct. You choose life in Christ and your life will be filled with peace, joy, happiness ,love etc.. the choice is yours,  life or death,  being made whole by God or self destruction,  but God is telling us , telling you to choose life so that it may be well with you .
Lord, my prayer today is help me to choose life always, help me to walk in your ways always

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live

Det 30:19


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