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The law is integral to life

 Many false preachers are going around preaching a gospel of lawlessness. They are preaching that the death of Christ abolished the law of God,  the 10 commandments. They claimed that we are saved by grace and as a result have no need to keep the law. This false gospel has resulted in great weakness to christianity, chaos in the lives of Christians and chaos in the world. The question is can life exist without laws 🤔?

Law is integral to life. Law defines how something is to operate. You can't do anything in life without laws. Lets take a look on how important laws are to every function. Let's start from the worst of things, criminal organizations. Criminals organizations have laws and the violation of their laws by their members can have severe consequences  . For example in the United States we have two infamous gangs, the crips and the bloods. The crips wear the color blue and the bloods wear the color red. Wearing the wrong color in the wrong neighborhood can get you in trouble. Gangs have laws .

Laws are codes of conduct that describe how a member of the group, organization, nation are to conduct themselves so to allow for the success of the common endeavor. Terrorist groups have laws. The Taliban have laws and one of their laws is that men cannot shave. Sports organizations have laws ⚽️. How do you know when someone score a goal ? The law determines it. Players get ejected from the game when they violate the law, players get suspended and even get banned from particular sports as a result of transgression of the law.

Your job has laws. There is a time for you to clock in, there is a time for lunch, a time to go home. You have a dress code and a way to conduct yourself during business hours. The violations of the laws of your job will get you in trouble or even termination. Your home has laws. When people come to your home they have to abide by the laws you set and if they transgress your laws, even after you show them grace for many transgressions, they will eventually be cast out from your home. The laws of your home determine how you want your home to be run.  You have laws.

The government has laws. The road has speed limits, if you violate the speed limit you may get a ticket and if you continue to transgress traffic laws, your license may get suspended and you end up in jail. The traffic laws are to promote safety and wellbeing of you and the whole community. Laws are meant to protect the life of a home, organization, nation etc.. Laws are meant to safeguard the wellbeing of its subject, to trangress laws is to bring chaos and lawlessness.  Even the Devil has laws, for he has a kingdom, but yet false preachers go around teaching "that God doesn't have a law, the law of God is done away with 😯."

God has a law, His law is meant to protect and safeguard the wellbeing of His creatures. To transgress God's law is to bring chaos into your own life and eventually self destruction. The law of God is the 10 commandments found in exodus 20. The summary of which is to love God and your neighbor. The first 4 commandments teach how to love God, how to be at peace with Him. 1 You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall not make idols. 3. Dont take God's name in vain. 4. Keep the sabbath day ( saturday) holy.

The first four show your love for God and desire to make Him first in your life .

The last 6 commandments teaches us how to love our neighbors,  how to live in peace with them. 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. You shall not murder.7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal .9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet.

The law defines how we are to live with God and our neighbors in harmony. To transgress God's law is to create chaos between you and God , chaos within yourself and chaos between you and your fellow men.  The law is integral to life and the transgression of God's law destroys internal and external peace .

The chaos that we see in the church, in society, in the home and inside of us is the result of the transgression of God's  holy law. The Bible says," there is no peace to the wicked." You will never have peace as long as you keeo violating God's law. Just like a criminal has no peace when he is against the state, violated the laws of the state. God in His mercy is willing to forgive us for our transgressions if we are willing to repent. But God's forgiveness of our sins does in no way remove His law, for the law of God is the law of liberty, the law of life .

Friends, if you want to have peace with God, peace with your neighbors, internal peace, pray to God to write His law in your heart, pray to God to make you a law abiding citizen of heaven. Christ died to take away the punishment of sin,  the punishment which is the result of the transgression of God's law of life and Christ is willing to transform our lives and put us back again in harmony with God, in harmony with the law of God. The law is integral to life, the law is not going anywhere, for throughout eternity the law will still say thou shall love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as your self. Obey the Lord, keep the law and flee from false preachers preaching the law is done away with. May God bless you 


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