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Character is revealed in time of crises

 Many people claim to be whatever they want to be, but in time of crises our true natures are revealed. Crises and trial are God's tool of fashioning and revealing character, of making manifest the hidden things of the heart ❤

Many people claim to be Christians, claim to love God until a serious crises hit them. Then their true natures are revealed. In moment of crises many abandoned the faith. The Covid pendemic proved such. Before covid maby churches used to be packed.  But the pendemic has revealed many to have been false Christians, they fell away from tje assembly of the brethren and back into the darkness of the world. Many claim to love God, but when a sickness hit them, financial failures, the loss of loved ones, then we truly see whether they were true Christians or not. Adversities have a way of separating the real from the fraudsters 

Many claim to be a Christians, claim to be loving, but the moment we encounter someone who is difficult we reveal our true unloving nature, we reveal that we are not like Christ.  Because the moment we meet someone who is not like us, who is difficult we want to separate ourselves from that person. We claim the same excuse the world use, we claim we need to protect our mental health, we need to preserve our peace. I call this phenomenon good time Christians only. The Bible said while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Love is revealed in its greatest glory when we meet those who are unlovable. 

Character is revealed in times of crises. Good times make it difficult to judge someone's character, it is during bad times you get to know what people are truly made of. You know who your friends truly are when bad times hit the relationships. You know who your friend truly is when you have disagreements, when you don't see things eye to eye . How do they react? Do they forsake the friendship at the first sign of difficulty or do they do all they can to bring about reconciliation? Character is revealed in time of crises .

Many will claim to love you in life, when times are good, when you are popular, wheb you are able to help them etc..But as soon as you make a mistake, you fall from grace, you are no longer able to help them, then it will be revealed who are your true friends and who were only parasites. And friends we too have to check ourselves to see if we are true to those who are in our lives. How do we react when we encounter difficulties with those we work with ? With our friends ? With our church family ? With our neighbors? With those in our homes ? Do we run away the moment we encounter any difficulties or do we allow true love to shine through during moments of crises ? 

It was on the cross that the universe really saw the love of God.  As Christ was hanging on the cross in agony, blood flowing down His body, the universe saw the character of God revealed. Christ said " Father forgive them for they know not what they do. " What love ! What beauty ! Christ didn't run away from the difficult task of rebuilding His relationship with the human race, but "He endured the cross, despising the shame." The cross revealed who God truly is, a God of love . The difficult moment of life reveal who me and you truly are. They reveal whether we are true to what we profess or frauds. Life has a way of bringing out the hidden things of the heart. 

I read a quote that said" the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy. " In times of comfort and convenience every is nice, but in times of difficulty character is revealed.  If you really want to know who you are, watch how you react during times of difficulty. Do you put your trust in the Lord or do you forsake Him ? Do you love or do you hate ? Do you reach out to those who hurt you or do you run away so your little heart 😢❤ doesn't get hurt ? The ultimate measure of a persom is where he/she stands in time of adversity. On the cross we saw that God is truly a loving God.  May the Lord help us to reveal His character in the good and bad times. May Christ be in us, the hope of glory .


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