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Spiritual warfare


War! War ! War! This world is a battlefield and there is no peace. Many people are deceived thinking this life is about living good, having fun and make money. But friends, the Bible clearly tells us we are involved in a great battle, a battle between Christ and Satan, good and evil. This battle is the greatest battle in the universe, it is the origin of all other human conflicts. This battle is fierce, relentless and its consequences are eternal. To be on the losing side of this great cosmic conflict is to lose eternal life. This battle is not a physical warfare but a spiritual one and hence our topic today is spiritual warfare. Are you fighting the good fight ?

This world 🌍 is for the most part under the dominion of evil forces. Satan has conquered humanity. When Adam sinned in the garden, he was overcomed by Satan and became Satan's lawful captive. Adam's entire human family became the captive of Satan ⛓. Me and you were "shapen in iniquity and in sin our mothers conceived us." Sin is the lawful property of the Devil and all who are born in sin are his lawful captives. Me and you were Satan's captives and unless we come to Jesus we remain his slaves. The Bible calls Satan the Prince of this world, the ruler of darkness and the god of this age. All who are living lives of sin are under his control.

In order to understand the nature of our warfare, we must understand the nature of our enemy.Satan is a spirit being and by nature is way stronger than all human beings combined. Satan was the highest angel in heaven, covering the throne of God, which means his greatness is beyond our minds. Satan is way way older than us, humanity was created around 6000 years ago, the devil was already in existence way before. Satan has around 6000 years of experience dealing with human beings and he has overcomed billions of us. It means that me and you are no match for the devil, he is way stronger, way smarter and way older than us .

And not only is the Devil stronger, wiser and more experienced than us, he is not alone. The devil was cast out  with 1/3 of the angels of heaven. All these beings are way wiser, way stronger and more wicked than any human being in existence. Me and you are no match for the devil and his angels. The Bible says in Isaiah 14:17 ," the devil doesn't release his prisoners." We are his prisoners, the whole human race! Not only the Devil doesn't release his prisoners, but no human being can of his own strength escape from his power, rule and control.

There is only one way to escape from Satan's power and it is to flee for safety in the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord Jesus Christ has conquered Satan at the cross, He paid the price of sin and He alone can set us free from the cruel, tyrannical power of Satan and his angels. But Jesus will not deliver us from Satan's power unless we accept His call to come to Him and to hide our weakness in Him. John 8:34," whoever commit sin is a slave of sin." All of us have sinned and all of us were slaves of Satan ⛓. John 8:36," if the Son set you free, you shall be free indeed." Only Jesus can set us free from the power of Satan. 

"All who neglect prayer and the study of God's Word will be overcomed by Satan."  (Great controversy.) And again, " satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the scriptures, will be overcomed by his attacks. Therefore he invents every possible device to engrossing the mind. "  Prayer is the secret of spiritual power. If you neglect the exercise of prayer, or engage in prayer sporadically,  now and then, as seems convenient, you will lose your hold on God . Prayer brings power from God. "Power will come from God to man in answer to the prayer of faith." (Testimonies for the church 4:402).

No prayer , no power ! If you are not praying daily, opening your heart daily to God and asking for the power to overcome sin, you cannot overcome the devil. Satan has control over all who are not praying and seeking the Lord earnestly. Friends, it is a deception to believe just because you are not committing certain sins, you are free from Satan's power. There is only one way out of Satan's power and it is to put all your trust in Christ, to pray without ceasing. We are involved in a spiritual warfare with powerful evil beings, the only way to fight against them is with prayer and the study of God's Word. Seek the Lord daily and fortify yourself in His word.

Lord, strengten me for today 🙏🏾

Ephesian 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


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