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Woman, thou art loosed

Once I asked a man what he thought the purpose of a woman was? he responded “to bear children.” His response was disappointing and one that stirred something within me. At the time I too wanted to be married and have children although I wasn’t sure what surprises the future held for me in either roles.  I hated the thought that the purpose of a woman lies in acquiring a husband or a child. I’ve watched the plight of many sisters chasing men and living aimlessly to the identity of another person. My heart revolted at the idea that my identity should be encroached to another mere human being (whether a beautiful son or a loving husband).

Identity and Role are two different things. 

There are certain roles that you can have solely based on your identity yet you don’t have to occupy those roles in order to retain your identity. To make this plain, you can only be a wife if you are a woman yet you don’t have to be a wife in order to be a woman.These roles are God given. God gave them to make his glory shown. Each person, male or female must be whole in God. 

If the purpose of the woman is not first anchored in God, she will either take these roles as burdens or fulfill them improperly. This is why the story of the Samaritan woman is so powerful. This woman encountered Jesus at the well, and he recounted her idols to her. The Samaritan woman wanted purpose, she lacked Godly identity. She presumed that her idol of being a wife was her life course, and because of that she was willing to get it at a cost to her soul. As Sisters, we have been drinking from broken cisterns. Long gone should be the thought that; in order to be happy, I should acquire someone of the other sex or become the other sex. Christ has set us free from those burdens. Not everyone will be or want to be wives or mothers. But, no one has a choice in being a daughter or a son. Being a daughter is inclusive and this is why God has called you such. Long gone should be the days where we taunt each other for the roles that we play or don’t play. In doing this, we minimize God’s sovereignty and design. 

Between thy seed and her seed

When God said that the woman’s seed will crush the serpent’s head, we made it our business to bring forth sons. In fact, Eve was so excited when she had Cain, she must have thought that he was the savior. To her disappointment, he killed his brother. Being a mother is deeply regarded, being a wife is an honor. These roles were given for a specific function, to learn and to give love, to root out selfishness, most importantly to replenish the earth. Women throughout history have not only been trying to have children, but specifically envy “SONS”. From childhood, daughters are not upheld,To the point where daughters are almost as second-class citizens in certain household. The question now exist, what makes us think that we would want to be daughters to God? Well, I’ve come to set you free! Being a daughter is no less than being a son as sons cannot fill the roles of daughters and vice-versa. Let everyone be happy with the sex that they are born in and find joy in the identity that God has created for us. Let us not unnecessarily disrupt the balance that God has set. We are all children of God whose image we bear. 

She will be saved through childbearing

Women have the special ability of bearing children while men have the special ability to determine the sex of the child. Yet Paul says that women will be saved through childbearing. To save women, since we were the one that transgressed first, God allowed Christ to come ONLY from the woman. This gift, we can all claim. The one ULTIMATE son by whom we are saved. A woman delivered the child that would deliver us. Isn’t it also interesting how Mary Magdalene was the first to see Christ and carry the news. Ladies, we are not left to be disgraced for the sin of our mother Eve, we are left to be honored for the birth of Christ through Mary. 

What is a woman?

Womanhood is not being a wife or a mother. Womanhood is being a daughter of God. Womanhood is biological, mental, physical and SPIRITUAL. Womanhood balances the world and not run or destroy the world. Be free from the disillusionment that your identity lies in acquiring a husband or a son. Womanhood is the feminine aspect of the image of God. Stop trying to be a son and be a daughter as you have been called.

Written by: Stephania S. Nerestant

Edited by: Talice Foster


Dan Holmstock said…
Very nice article!!! Well written, and spiritually advised.

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