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College degrees and success?

Have any one notices how  having a college degree may not guarantee a good job.
Many people are graduating college  and are having a hard time finding a job, so the question is ,is it worth it?

The key to success

Growing up we were told that if we want to move up and fulfill the American dream, one has to get a college degree. So many of us went to college chasing that dream, believing that's the sure path toward success.


Lo and behold , after four years and how many more it took , many are now in debt and still can't find a decent job. Not only do they have school debts ,but may have  car loans , credit and mortgage debt. So that individual may already be in a  deep financial hole when they graduate.

Benefit the schools

I think the reason why many jobs ask for degrees is that they are working hand and hands with the school systems. Because on the real, the majority of careers one will pursue doesn't really need one to spend 4 years or more in school to know . One simply can learn these things on the job. That's what  the jobs ask anyway when one goes to apply for a job, the question is always how many years of experience do you have?.


As more and more people graduate from schools with a B.A degree, the harder it will be for people with that degree to find a job. So the next step will be to take more debts and acquire higher degrees, while having no experience.  Having no experience means you will be able to find the necessary job that will help you take care of your financial obligations and poverty will deepen. So before one goes to college, its very important that you take these things into consideration. Or based on who you are a trade school may benefit you better than a college will ever . Yes it's nice to have the title of college graduate , but what about being in debt and barely making it ?


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