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Charlie Hebdo and the Surveillance State

On Wednesday  January 7, two masked men entered into the office of Charlie Hebdo in a rampage. By the time the whole episode was over, 3 days had passed and 20 people died including three gunmen. While we sympathize with the victims, we fear that the ones who truly benefit from this carnage are the proponents of the global totalitarian surveillance system.

Already the British spy agency MI5 is already requesting more powers to fight against terrorism. Governments know that when people are afraid, they will easily hand over their liberties in the name of freedom, so they will not let a good opportunity to pass by.

According to yahoo news , " after laying out the threats, Parker  the head of the MI5 made a fresh call for more powers for the security services -- an issue that is of ongoing and heated debate in Britain, as elsewhere.
"My sharpest concern as director general of MI5 is the growing gap between the increasingly challenging threat and the decreasingly availability of capabilities to address it," he said."

And  the  French Prime Minister Manuel Valls made a similar point that Friday, saying: "It will be no doubt necessarily to take new measures" to respond to the terror threat.

"The NSA's programs don't “look all that scary this morning,” said Michael Hayden, a former director of the NSA and CIA, on MSNBC on Thursday. Saying the Snowden revelations had hurt intelligence cooperation between governments, Hayden said he hoped that “meaningful intelligence cooperation between like-minded democracies gets a boost from yesterday’s dangers and we go forward in a more cooperative fashion."

 France has invited ministers from other European countries and the United States to Paris on Sunday to discuss their common security challenges.

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think."  Adolf Hitler. So in the frenzy to show strength and unity to the terrorists, the masses are playing right into the hands of those who are trying to consolidate power.

The Bible talk about a global system that will prevent those who do not have the Mark of the Beast to be unable to buy or sell. All of that will render possible as in effect of a global draconian security system. Friends you will see after every so called terrorist act there will be calls  for more security and more cashless transaction in order to prevent the next attack.

Do not be deceived! Be careful with what you chose to believe from the media, for they are all part of the system-motivating the masses to their own imprisonment. So with Charlie Hebdo, freedom did die, but it is the freedom of the masses for the advancement of our Brave New World.


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