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Theory of Evolution and Paganism

Contrary to what the majority of people think, the theory of evolution is an ancient pagan idea.
It's an idea that has always been contrary to the Word of God. 

What is Paganism?

Paganism can be described as a concept of "god" which is rooted in nature itself. It is the belief that nature itself is in someway a god and they are worthy of worship and adoration. The related Pantheism is the belief that all of nature is part of god or the total of god. It is a very old system but nature worship or reverence is always involved somewhere. The modern day new age movement has blatantly re-introduced many pagan ideas.

Darwin or Ancients?
The concept of evolution did not originate with Charles Darwin. It has been the key ingredient of all pagan religions and philosophies from antiquities. (atomism, pantheism, stoicism, gnosticism and all other humanistic systems). Any beliefs that assume the ultimacy of the space/time/matter, reasoning that the universe has always been; are fundamentally evolutionary systems. Depending on how sophisticated the system is, the forces of the universe may be personified as gods and goddesses who organized the eternal chaotic cosmos into what we see now (Babylonian and Egyptian religions), or that they themselves have organizing capabilities (modern scientific evolutionism). In any case, these are just different varieties of the same evolutionist world view. Its essential component is the denial that there is one true God  and Creator.

Many of the great world religions- Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc. are based on evolution. The liberal sides of Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism, are based on evolution.

Pagan ideas evolve as scientific

Evolution is one of those old pagan superstitions that began to be  revived in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thales, a Greek philosopher, was one of the first proponents of the myth of "evolution"; a theory which maintained that all living things came into existence as a result of pure chance, and then developed from one to another.

These pagans were unaware of the existence of God and were worshipping false idols which they themselves devised, pagans answered the questions of origin with the idea  of evolution. Pagan philosophers such as Thales, Anaximander and Empedocles, claimed that living things,  human beings, animals and plants, formed themselves from such inanimate substances as air, fire and water. According to their theories, the first living things suddenly emerged in water and then adapted to the land. In Egypt, the superstition that "living things formed themselves out of mud" was widespread. The Egyptians believed that in this way the frogs which appeared when the waters of the Nile receded were formed.

Democritus, another Greek philosopher, held that originally the universe was composed of nothing but tiny atoms churning in chaos, until they collided together to form larger units—including the earth and everything on it. And to him the universe is without purpose, everything moves according to blind chance and all things came into being spontaneously by itself.

Nothing New under the Sun

To conclude, we see that there is nothing new under the sun. It's just a recycling of old materials under new garbs. Evolution, a false pagan religious idea is reintroduced in this so called "age of enlightenment" as scientific and thus the ancient goal of separating man from his Creator is achieved and he is led to worship idols (himself, nature etc..). It is a theory deeply rooted in rebellion and man's foolish attempt to explain the creation without God.

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9


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