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America's " golden age."


US president Donald Trump has promised a new golden age for America. A time of prosperity and pride. A time of greatness as we have never seen before.

It all sounds good, for who wouldn't want prosperity, especially after the inflation, the high cost of living  we have been experiencing in the last four years ?

US president Donald Trump has promised a new golden age for America. A time of prosperity and pride. A time of greatness as we have never seen before.

It all sounds good, for who wouldn't want prosperity, especially after the inflation, the high cost of living  we have been experiencing in the last four years ?

Who wouldn't want a "golden age?"

The first question we must ask ourselves is how is a golden object made ? The two gold refining methods are: the Miller process and the Wohlwill process. The Miller process uses gaseous chlorine to extract impurities when gold is at a melting point; impurities separate into a layer on the surface of the molten purified gold. 

According to President Trump, illegal immigrants are one of the impurities that need to be purged from the  United States in order to "make it great again." President Trump once said " immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country ." America is a melting pot of ethnicities, cultures and religions and a purification process is required in order to "make it great again."

But how has this "golden age " promise by president Trump began? Fear and anxiety for many. The mass deportation of immigrants is creating fear, anxiety and trouble in the hearts  of many. People who escaped their country of origin because of difficulties of all types are now in fear of being sent back. The Word ICE ( immigration customs enforcement) has become like the word Gestapo,  the German secret police under Nazi Germany to many illegal immigrants. The golden age of America is a time of trouble for many .

America's " promise golden age " is a time of trouble. It is almost as if we are entering a little time of trouble that may soon lead to a great time of trouble. Blaming immigrants for a country's economic problems and other issues is nothing new, but it usually lead to persecution and hatred of marginalized groups. While it is true nations need to protect their borders and protect their citizens from criminal elements, sometimes that desire to protect can lead to harmful consequences to those who are simply seeking a better livelihood. America is a land of opportunity, America was founded by " illegal immigrants. " The pilgrims came here without legal authorizations from the Indians and the Indians even helped them to thrive . God has called upon us to be merciful towards the stranger for we were once strangers. 

Who is a true American?

The question being asked today is a person born in the United States of illegal immigrants parents an american? Soon it may be, is a certain religious group American or are people who opposed popular measures true American? It wouldn't surprise me if in the future those who oppose certain popular measures are classified as enemies of the people, impurities that needs to be purged from society and be stripped of their citizenship and all legal rights and jailed or worse .Today the internal enemy may be illegal immigrants, but tomorrow it may be me, it may be you .  Making America great again may require a religious purification or all types of moral cleansing according to popular opinion.

Bible prophecy predicts that the United States will become a persecuting church and state power. This "golden age" promise by president Trump could very well be the revelation of the dragon like power of the second beast of revelation 13. This golden age resembles the golden image built by king Nebuchadnezzar that led to the persecution of the 3 hebrews boys at the time of the prophet Daniel.  The "golden age" promised will require a financial purification that will lead to economic hardship for many. Many people will probably lose purchasing power and not being able to buy or sell. The administration may try to remove impurities or waste from our financial system that may lead to many people losing their jobs. 

A golden faith 

Creating a golden age require a process of intense heat and trial.  This coming golden age promised by president Trump will require us to have a golden faith to navigate through . Gold tried in the fire ( Revelation 3: 15- 20 )

Let us be prayerful and watch out for this " golden age of America," this era such as never been before. President Trump is a president we have not seen before in America and his promised  "golden age" may very well lead to a time of trouble such as never been bedore. ( Daniel 12)

Let us be prayerful, let us be merciful towards the marginalized and let us allow God to give us a golden faith, a faith tried in the fire like gold tried in the fire to prepare us for the true golden age of the golden city of the New Jerusalem with its golden streets.  

Source : how is pure gold made and refined ?


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