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The difficulties of love

 Love is a beautiful thing. Love makes life worth living. Love is best thing in the universe because God is love 😍. We all want love, we all want to be loved and many of us want someone to love. Love is very precious indeed. We sing about love, we write about it and we make movies about it. And yet love is the most difficult thing to find in this earth. It is easier to find diamonds and gold than to find true love. Easier maybe to find the lost city of Atlantis than to find genuine love. Many people have simply given up on love. They see the idea of loving and having someone to love them as fables for unwise and inexperienced children. Love is rare indeed.

Why is it so hard to love or find love 🤔? The easiest answer is because we are imperfect. Being imperfect means we are broken, unable to perform the function we were made to do. Come with me on a journey of the difficulties of love. Imagine you meet someone, a man, a woman, the " love of your life." The woman is beautiful to behold and you think i have now found the love of my life. You say to yourself, how can someone ever divorce someone they used to love. You scoff at your friends who speak negatively about love and say they are crazy.  Love is available, they just haven't found the right one. And so you and your new lover start building a relationship. 

You talk to her on the phone all the time 📲, you take walks together, go out to eat together,  you just can't spend a moment without thinking of her. She is the greatest person on the planet and life wouldn't be the same without her. So quickly after a short courtship you marry the love of your life. 6 months into the marriage you start feeling differently. You say " hey babe, can you put some food on the table for me?" She answers, " you have hands, why don't you take it yourself."  As in before, he used to open the door for you, but now he says why don't you get your own door. Before he used to compliment how beautiful you are, now he says why are you so fat? 

Before you guys were inseparable, now you just want your own space. You can't stand her voice, she can't stand your ways. You used to be funny to her, now she says you are " clown." The things you used to like about the other person, now you criticize, you can't stand and you wonder " why did i get married 🤔? But you did not make a mistake, what's happening with you is true love is beginning to aporoach your heart and the way you respond will determine whether you will ever enjoy true love or not. True love is difficult to achieve because we are imperfect beings, we all have flaws. We try our best to hide our flaws,  but the closer someone gets to us, our flaws begin to be revealed. 

It is easy to love people from afar, but difficult to love them when near. It easy to love a girl with all the makeup on, but what about when the make up comes off ? Easy to love the sister at church who smile with everyone, utter sweet words at the right time, but difficult to love that same woman when you get closed to her and realize she is arrogant disrespectful, stubborn as a mule. Easy to love the preacher for his passion for God, but hard to love him when he tells you don't wear this, don't wear that and when he seems to not have enough time for you. Easy to love others when far away they show care but harder to love when in close relationships their selfishness is revealed. 

Easy to love a child when he is a baby and cannot speak. But difficult to love a deceitful and rebellious person. It is when you start getting close to people and their makeup, their masks are removed and you see the ugliness of their soul you realize that love is much more than an emotion, that love is not something for the weak, love is not something for the impatient, as you draw near to others and they draw near to you, theh see your ugliness of character and you ses theirs, it is at this moment you realized, love is beautiful yes! You want love, yes ! But to get true love you will need strength, Divine strength. To love requires a struggle, a daily waking up and chosing to love.

True love is not for the weak! When someone lies to you, betray you, act arrogant with you, behave in a selfish manner, it slowly but surely destroys love in the heart 💔. In marriage, a wife who is not submissive, rebellious,  willful who does her own thing contrary to her husband's wishes slowly but surely destroys the husband love for her and may make him bitter against her. A husband who speak with his wife recklessly, show no love to her and take her for granted, surely destroy love in the heart . A wife who is not submissive , is stubborn and rebellious is ugly no matter how beautiful she may look outwardly. A husband who is not loving and respectful to his wife is ugly no matter what .

So having seen the ugliness of a spouse, what must I do ? It is at this moment I realized that without God, love is impossible. Without God's strength the best I can achieve is tolerate other people. When I realize the ugliness of other people and my inability to love them only revealed the coldness,  only reveal the lack of love in my own heart 💔, then I am ready to love. Love require me to say today I chose to love my spouse despite her not being submissive. Today I chose to love my child despite her being deceitful and rebellious.  Love is an action verb, to love require persevering effort even when the fruits of your efforts are nowhere to be seen. 

To love requires me to forgive the unforgivable,  being patient with the ridiculous, reaching out to the unreachable, climbing barriers that are difficult to love. To love requires me to be broken, wounded and yet be a healer. To love requires me to constantly rely on God for strength, for a tender heart to be able to draw near to others, show them love, get wounded, get disappointed, get disrespected, and yet not being cold hearted. To love is difficult , so difficult that many just abandon the idea all together.  To love require me to love my spouse when she is not submissive for Christ loved me when i was not submissive. 

To love requires loving the husband when he is not loving for Christ loved you when you were not loving. Loving someone is not for the weak! Loving someone will cause you pain, grief and only by having the love of God constantly pouring into your heart will your heart remain tender. To love, you must continually bring your wounded and disappointed heart 💔 to God and say Lord, open my heart, put warmth in my heart, cause me love my spouse today, cause me love my friend today, cause me to love my child today, cause me to love you today. We find it hard to love God who is perfect, how much harder it is to love imperfect, sinful human beings ? The path of love is a difficult path.

Genuine love is the greatest joy of life! But the path to genuine love is difficult. You must cross the river of patience, the mountain of forgiveness, the dense forest of past wrongs, the avenue of sweet words as a response to harsh word, the street of perseverance, the corridor seeking the best for the other. The path of true love is difficult and only those who abide in Christ,  abide in His strength will experience the joy of true love. The joy of loving someone who is imperfect, full of flaws and watch that person grow in love, become better and better because you had poured out love into them ❤. Love awakens the soul .

True love, disinterested love ( when you love someone for their sake and not for any selfish gain ) is very difficult and it will only get more difficult as selfishness increase. But to God nothing is impossible. You can love your spouse despite the ugliness, you can love others despite their treachery, you can cherish others despite their unfaithfulness and unreliability, "you can do all that through Christ who strengthens you." Let us then pursue have Christ, the source of love and ask for the power to love others as He has loved us. I believe in love because I believe in God and God is love. Do you believe you can truly love and be loved? Believe in God and He will soften your heart 💘


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