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Tis the season! Should we celebrate Christmas?

 Christmas season is here again and a joyous mood is in the air 🌲. Everywhere you go, decorations are set up, lights and Christmas music playing on the radio. The store owners are celebrating ,because during Christmas tine they received a lot of gifts 🎁 from customers spending money on all sorts of material things to bring gifts to loved ones. In the work place you have gift exchanges,  Christmas parties, Christmas dinners and at night you have people going to the clubs, getting drunk, getting sexually loose while celebrating Christmas, the supposes supposed birthday of Christ the Savior 🤦🏾‍♂️.

Christmas seemed to be the one celebration about "Christ" that both the heathens world and church folks like. On Christmas day, the world and the church gather together to celebrate. Christians and wordly people  dress up and share pictures on social media. In Christmas we find a union between pagans and Christians, truth and error.  We find a mixture of truth and error and maybe the reason why we find a mixture of truth and error is because Christmas is by its very nature a mixture of truth and error , light and darkness and God said," what fellowship does light have with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14

Why is Christmas a mixture of truth and error 🤔? It is because Jesus did come into the world, was born of a woman and brought salvation to the human race. The error is that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, but was most likely born sometime during the fall  when " sheperds were in the field." Jesus was most likely born between the months of September and October, but He wasn't born on December 25th. Someone else was born on December 25th, the pagan false god Tamuz and so December 25th is by nature a pagan festival with gift exchanges and drunkenness being major aspects of the festivities.

The medieval Roman catholic church adopted many of the pagan festivities and gave them Christian names. The pagan festival of of the birth  of  Tamuz became the birthday of Christ,  the pagan day of sun worship 🌞, sunday came to replace God's holy seventh day sabbath. Paganism and christianity formed a union in falsehood and deceit. And so many have been deceived into accepting errors of the catholic church. Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the way its celebrated shows clearly that it is a pagan festival.  The world always neglect what God commanded while promoting what God didn't command. The sabbath is ignored while sunday sacredness and Christmas are promoted.

So should Christians celebrate Christmas 🤔? The questions is should Christians have fellowship with darkness ? The answer is no! Christmas is of darkness, it is a pagan celebration masquerading as a Christian festival. God is calling His children out of the darkness of the world and into His glorious light and as children of God we must put away the unfruitful works of darkness, we must stand for the truth. While we can use the time around the Christmas celebrations to promote the gospel, let us take no part in the godless festivities. At work, take no part in their decorations 🌲, take no part in Christmas pictures for social media, take no part in Christmas parties, filled with alcohol etc.

Friends, let us as Christians read the Word of God and walk in the light of truth. The world hates Jesus and would never truly celebrate Him. Let us truly celebrate Jesus by turning away from sin and the love of the things of this world. Let us ask God daily to separate us from the things of this world and to stand bodly for His truth no matter where we are .
Celebrate Jesus by letting Him sanctify you with truth, for His Word is truth.


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