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The key to happiness

 If you look around you 👀, if you look at our world 🌍, all you will see is misery, gloominess and depression. It doesn't matter where you find yourself, if you look carefully you will see misery beneath the glamour , beneath the smiles, beneath the pretense. You go to a poor country and you see the misery is obvious. In a poor country you can see the people are skinny, they lack food, they lack many basic services and you will hear complaints about the failure of the government and the desire to move to a better pasture, a better country, even to America or western Europe. They think that by going to America and Europe, misery will be over. "They will have plenty of food and money to spare" 

Many people think United States is "heaven on earth" and so many people take great risk to come to America, to come to "paradise." But is America "heaven on earth ?" Is misery absent from America's shores ? No, friends! Misery is as rampant on America's shores as in other nations except! Except in America the misery is less materialistic based but is more mental. In America you won't people saying they want to go to another country to find a better living, but you will hear many people thinking they want to die instead of living.  Depression, mental illnesses are the ways America's miseries are displayed. America is the richest nation on the planet, so food is not an issue for us.

"Increased with goods but naked and miserable!" In America we have plenty to eat 🥗, even our homeless people have more food than working people in many countries. We have things that rich people in other countries consider luxuries. We have TVs, cell phones, cars, jobs, all sorts of materials comforts and yet we are miserable, sometimes more miserable than the poor of other countries because we are not content. The poor of other countries are better than us in many ways because at least they have the hope that one day they may come to America and find a job but we in America are depressed, in despair because we are not happy and know not where to go .

And what is the source of our unhappiness? Pride, envy and jealousy. We are a proud people and so we think that we deserve the best in life. We have a saying the "sky is the limit!" So many of us believe we can reach whatever we aim for in life. And what happens when we fail ? We get depressed. Many of us believe we would be married right now but we are still single. Many of us believe we would have that high paying job right now but you still working part time. Many of us believe we would have that PHD right now but you just got your AA degree. We look at our friends who seem to have what we want and we envy them, we get jealous and our misery increase.

We walk around depressed and cast down because we stay looking at what other people have and ignore God's blessings in our own lives. We become dissatisfied with God, with life, with ourselves. A person who is always looking at what others have and ignore the many blessings God has given them will never content, will always be depressed and miserable. It was in ignoring what he had and looking at what God has that Lucifer became discontent and fell from heaven. He was the highest and most beautiful of the angels and yet he wasn't satisfied, he wanted what God has, He wanted God's glory for himself and was cast out from heaven as a profane thing. Discontent leads to misery

The key to happiness is to be content. To be content with however God made you and wherever God has placed you. God made you light skinned, be content! God made you dark skinned, be content. God made you thick, be content, God made you skinny be content. God made you poor, be content ! God made you rich be content. Wherever God place you in life, be content, because God may have you at this stage, in this season of life for a special task . Remember Moses was once a prince of Egypt 🤴🏾, but God humbled him to a sheperd in order to prepare him to lead His people Israel.

Joseph became a slave ⛓, then a prisoner. But God allowed him to become a slave to teach him valuable lessons, allow him to become a prisoner to teach him even greater lessons in humility, justice etc..All the stages of Joseph's life were needful in his preparation to become the prime minister of Egypt. Joseph did not do anything crazy or wicked to get himself out of his situations but He waited on God for His perfect timing. The key to happiness is to seek the Lord, to wait on Him for His perfect timing and to learn the lessons He want you to learn at your particular stage in life. Those who are not content with where God has them in life will be easy prey for Satan's temptations. Let our prayers be, Lord help me to be content with whatever lot you have given me in life .

Philippians 4:11

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.


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