I read and watch something very disturbing recently. A young 24 year old lady named Nashali Alma in Florida was working out at her apartment complex gym 🏋🏽♀️ and a man knocked to enter. She remembered seeing the man before at the complex gym and so she opened the door to allow him in. Soon after the man attacked her, the man fought her ,tried to pin her to the ground so he could rape her. But she fought back, she first ran away from the man after he had try to touch her, she took her phone out , to call 911 for help. The man ran after her and grabbed hold of her
She fought back ! She believed she could win the struggle, she didn't give up, she fought back. In the video it clearly showed the man was stronger than her, the man was able to pin her to the ground but she fought back, she never gave up and she eventually got the man tired and he released his grip on her and she got up and fled. She escaped a rape from an evil man because she never gave up. She fought for her life, her dignity. And she gave the advice to never give up when facing difficult situations in life. God be praised for getting her out of that situation.
The man in the video looked demon possessed and truth be told he was under some form of demonic possession. While she had opened the gym's door to allow him in, the man had through his sexual lust opened the door of his soul to allow the devil in and the devil took full advantage of him, spiritually assaulted him and led him to do the wicked act he did. The Devil is the biggest rapist, child molester, murderer, thief, abuser etc.. in the world. Many of us close the doors of our home to keep human rapists, murderers, thieves out while we leave the doors of our soul wide open for the devil to enter .
We leave the doors of our souls wide open when we allow evil thoughts, evil desires to enter and remain in our lives. We open the doors of our souls when we watch evil and sinful things, when we listen to things that the Lord forbid. Sinful things in our lives leave the door of our souls open and the devil will take full advantage of us to spiritually rape us, to destroy us. But I am here today to tell you not to allow the devil to spiritually rape you, not to allow the devil to rob you of eternal life, you must fight against him, you must never give up the battle, you must resist the Devil, wear him out and he will flee from you .
So how do we resist the Devil? In the video the young lady did a few interesting things. She tried to walk away. She took out her phone 📱 to call the police, she fought back and she prevailed, escape and run away. The police found the criminal in less than 24hrs. How does that apply to us ? When we come face to face with the devil attempting to spiritually rape us by causing us to sin we must try to flee from the sinful situation and we must also take our phone 📱to call upon the spiritual authority of the universe to apprehend the suspect, the Lord God Himself.
An interesting thing we noticed was that the young lady fought back. Many of us think God is going to rescue us from sin, while we remain in sin without resisting it. We allow sin to ravage us and take full advantage of us .Had the young lady not fought back, she would have been raped and the Bible actually teach that if a young lady doesn't scream for help during a rape, then it will be seen as a consensual act. (Deuteronomy 22:24). Friends we must fight against sin. We must fight against sinful thoughts, sinful urges and never give up. We just resist the Devil and He will flee from us. The more you fight against sin, the more you don't surrender to sinful ways, the stronger you become .
The more you resist the Devil by fighting against him, the weaker his temptations become in your life and soon he will flee from you. How do you resist the Devil when he is much stronger than you ? You gain strength to resist the devil by submitting to God. The young lady mentioned she was a body builder 🏋🏽♀️, and she was working out when the assault happened. We must be spiritual body builders 🏋🏽♀️ and be working out to gain strength. We gain spiritual strength by submitting all our thoughts, all our desires to the Lord in prayer, then when the enemy comes upon us suddenly," the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against Him."
And the last thing the young lady did was she fled from the attacker. We must flee from sin, we must not play and toy with temptations but flee when the Lord provides us with the way of escape. The lesson we learn today friends is to never give up in the battle against inward sin and outside evil but we must fight. Fight in prayer, whatever it is your are struggling with, bring it to the Lord in prayer and fight the battles like a good soldier and soon, very soon the Lord will come and arrest Satan 👮🏾♂️and well be forever freed from his wickedness. Fight against sinful lusts and never give up 🙏🏾
1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.