I am sick 🤒 and tired of hearing "Christians " make excuses of why they are exempt from certain aspects of the will of God. Forgiveness is one of them and is our topic for today.
Forgiveness is one of those topics that the moment you mention it, you start hearing excuses. Excuses like you don't understand what that person did to me, how they hurt me, how they betrayed me. If you were in my shoes 👞 you would do the same, you wouldn't forgive that person.
The theologically mature Christian is smarter than that, so they will say I forgive but I'll stay away from that person so they wont hurt me again, or I forgive but I will never forget. These things may sound good but they are ungodly.
So, how many time should I forgive someone who wrongs me, 1,15, 45 times ? And what is the limit of forgiveness? Is there a point where I will say it is enough, I can't forgive you anymore, you have me wrong too many times ?
There are no limits to forgiveness. We should forgive others as long as they ask for it and we should not be in the business of judging their motives and say I dont think you mean it, you have done this before. How often should I forgive my brother ? Asked Peter. Jesus answered 70× 7 😮.
Is there a limit to forgiveness? Is a cheating spouse the limit of forgiveness 💔? Is murder the limit of forgiveness? Is betrayal the limit of forgiveness? Friends, none of these are the limit of forgiveness. Jesus said , Moses permitted divorce because of the hardness of your hearts. Meaning if we had a loving heart we would forgive our spouses even in the case of adultery, for God forgives us when we commit spiritual adultery against Him.
Friends, unless someone has betrayed you, beaten you with stripes that ripped your back open, bleeding , put a crown of thorn on your brow, nail you to a cruel cross, pierce your side with a spear and even then you should say Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. No reason not to forgive as long as the person is willing to be forgiven.
Those who are ungodly hold grudges against those who wronged them, hurt them, betray them. But as followers of Christ we must forgive and seek to make reconciliation if possible. To truly love others, you must be a forgiving person, for love is longsuffering.
Unless we forgive all who have wrong us, we will not enter heaven. Unless we confess to God all our hatred and grudges we have in our hearts against others, then forget about going to heaven. For God will only forgive us as we forgive our debtors 😱
Is forgiveness easy to do ? No, friends, not all. Nothing God tell us to do is easy to do. Matter of fact Jesus said without me you can do nothing. So what must we do when someone wrongs us, despitefully use us ? We must go to God and say Lord help me, give me the strength to forgive this person, help me to love this person, I am hurting right now, but I want to be like you, I want to love those who hurt me, hate me and despise, help me to love this person and seek reconciliation if they are willing. I must forgive if my desire is to be like you Lord, help me to be a merciful and forgiving Christian, help me to forgive others as you forgive me is my prayer 🙏🏾
Matthew 6:12
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.